In Memory

Marc Merdler

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07/20/12 09:02 AM #1    

Ed Horowitz

Marc and I were in many classes together at Rowland Elementary, and we used to hang out together at recess, be on the same kickball team or walk around talking about 'who knows what we talked about', and I seem to rememember maybe going to his house a couple times. As fate would have it, an event occured at Rowland Elementary, that  forever bonded Marc and myself.

It must have been in the winter of third or fourth grade, and I was hanging up my coat and scarf in the cloak room, when Marc came up to me and asked me if I knew where babies came from. I replied "yes, they come from a seed in the mommy's tummy." He then proceeded to tell me HOW that seed got there, and I recall my becoming enraged, and pushing Marc against the wall shouting "not MY Mom and Dad." We then proceeded to get in a fight that had to get broken up by the teacher, who made me apologize to him for pushing.

After a while, we would talk to each other a bit, but we never reconnected to each other as friends, and that remained throughout the rest of our years of school.

His name pops up in conversation every once in a while, when discussing things with close friends about the subject of when did you learn the facts about the birds and the  bees. I learned it from Marc Merdler.

I hope he lived a happy productive life after Brush, and may he rest in peace. 

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