In Memory

David Palmer

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07/24/11 10:23 AM #1    

Timothy Heintzelman

Dave was one of my best friends.  We roomed together in college after Brush days were over.  I remember his playfulness and his deep hearted laughter.  Wow, did we have some great times!  His battle with cancer was brave, fatihful and strong.  His devotion to his wife and the love-of-his-life, Marcy (nee Ausprung), and his three children was telling.  I was honored to be able to officiate at his funeral service back in 1994.  I think of him often and still miss him deeply.  "Well done...good and faithful sevant."

08/03/11 11:02 AM #2    

Dan King

Dave was truly a great friend.  He will always be a huge part of my life.  One thing I will always remember about Dave is that he made a special trip to visit with my family in Baltimore a couple months before he passed away.  I had no idea at the time Dave was stricken with a cancer that was taking its toll on his life.    I thought he was just visiting with a client in Baltimore and visiting with my family at the same time.  Dave never let on at all that he was really very ill.  I now know that  this was Dave's way of honoring a long term friendship, saying goodbye and leaving a lasting memory of the upbeat true friend Dave will always be.

04/17/12 10:40 PM #3    

Hallie Berusche-(Krall)

Dave was special and his life was cut way too short, he is remembered and missed by many, I know.

08/01/14 11:13 PM #4    

Charles Marusic

Dave Palmer was a great guy and friend.  I remember when we were in 10th grade and went to the Varsity Hop together.  I had my moms station wagon and Dave was with his date Cindi Conti. They decided to leave the football game early ?? and go back to my car.  They got in the back seat and Dave closed the rear door with the window up which you were not suppose to do and he shattered the rear glass window which brought an abrupt halt to whatever they were planning.  I also remember the last day of high school my senior year driving my decorated 65 mustang convertible with Dave and the top down.  We were driving around the front of Brush by the gym when the assistant principle Bill Thombs told us to park the car.  Dave convinced me to drive out the other side of the lot and drive around one more time.  Traffic stopped us and Thombs came over and pulled me right out of my seat and said to see him in his office.   Later in his office Dave rallied to my defence and saved having to get a swat.  Ah memories. I will always remember Dave and his big smile. God Bless 

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