In Memory

Mark Pickrel

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08/12/11 03:43 PM #1    

Ed Horowitz

Mark was a very good friend of mine, and we 'hung out' a lot together along with our other close friends of Joel Kaminsky, Jeff Pickus, and Fred Siegel.

I remember when he came to Brush (I believe it was the middle of 9th or 10th grade) from Somerset, Kentucky. He was the only kid in school that had a southern accent, and my first experience of hearing one outside of a TV show.

I remember asking him frequently about his life in Kentucky, and  loved having him tell me of the stories of his helping out on the tobacco farms, fishing in the creeks, skinny dipping, and his relatives in the nearby town of Monkey's Eyebrow.

He was a real friendly fellow with a slow going, easy way about him that everyone liked, and he had a great sense of humor. Sometimes we would kid around and try to mimic his accent - and the more we did the harder he laughed at us!

He was also pretty smart, and if I remember correctly he was always a straight A student!

He left a lot of good memories for me,  and I hope he had a good life until he passed away.

Ed Horowitz

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