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LVTI 1984 Updates

Created on: 04/12/09 05:49 PM Views: 755 Replies: 1
LVTI 1984 Updates
Posted Sunday, April 12, 2009 12:49 PM

Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it.


A few quick updates.

We have a "bulletin board" now for those who want to post updates to the class. Visit the site to add your topics.

On the Reunion: Thank you to John Repecko for offering to visit the school to see what updated information they may have and to see if they have any facilities for a reunion.

Since we are so close now to May, I think it's unlikely we can pull it off. I posted a survey to find out what you guys think. At this point the choices are probably:

Leave it in May and see if anyone has an opportunity to put together a location for a small group of people

Try for June

Try for a 30 year reunion instead.

If we try for a 30 year reunion, we do stand a better chance of finding more people and of getting a location together, etc.

Of course, none of those options would prevent people from getting together on their own. And if anyone wants to just have an open invitation get together with classmates, you could also post it here if you'd like.

As always, we remain open to suggestions and ideas.

Thanks everyone for all the assistance, updates and offers to help!


Nicole (Davis) Vikhlyantsev




RE: LVTI 1984 Updates
Posted Tuesday, April 21, 2009 09:36 PM

Ok folks, we're trying for June now!!! Let's see how it goes:-)