

Forum: General Discussion [STICKY]


Other Classes besides 84 and Falculty

Created on: 10/21/09 06:48 PM Views: 789 Replies: 2
Other Classes besides 84 and Falculty
Posted Wednesday, October 21, 2009 01:48 PM

The only way to add falculty on this system is to make it a multiple year forum. So I made it 1979-1984 because I didn't see any websites for those other years.


If you are from a class from 1979-1984 and would like to join, feel free to do so! If there is already an online group for your class, let me know and I'll create a link to it instead.




Nicole (Davis) Vikhlyantsev

RE: Other Classes besides 84 and Falculty
Posted Wednesday, October 21, 2009 03:21 PM


 You are the most considerate person I know.

 Ted D.

RE: Other Classes besides 84 and Falculty
Posted Wednesday, October 21, 2009 05:44 PM

Wow! Thanks, Ted!

