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•   Kelly Worrell (Worrell)  3/20
•   Allen Yates 75  4/4
•   Charlie Heard 77  3/8
•   Johnny Edwards 73  9/12
•   Betsy Longinotti (Carson)  8/3
•   Claire Cowsert (Dees)  3/27
•   Al Pollard 73  3/24
•   Shannon Nyimicz 77 (Nyimicz)  3/21
•   Andi Durr (Mitchell 73)  3/19
•   Bill Luther 72  3/18
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3 live in Alabama
1 lives in Arkansas
2 live in California
1 lives in Connecticut
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104 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
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1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in New Jersey
3 live in North Carolina
4 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
275 location unknown


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Welcome to the

Phi Omega Beta (POB)


Sigma Omega Sigma (SOS)

Classes Of 1970 - 1979

Reunion web site.

March 23, 2013

Idle Hour Country Club Ballroom




Hello Everyone!!


One Week To Go!!!  The party is on and we are getting ready to have a great time!  Gwen and the girls of SOS have been working hard on food and decorations and it should really be great!!  We are also planning some live entertainment, Mr B. Keith Williams, a local musician who can stir up some good old songs from the '70's!!  Lots of good food, good friends and good music!!  I can't wait to see you all!  If you haven't sent in your check yet, please do so as soon as possible, so we can give the club a good number and have the appropriate amount of food on hand.  Payment info is located under Payment Information on the left hand side of this page.  Lets get busy and make this a great function!!



Hello All!!

5 weeks to go and we still have lots more people who should be coming to our party!!  Gwen Moore Wilson has been a huge help in putting this together.  She is the contact person for all the SOS girls.  You can also send a check to Gwen if you like (make the check out to Paul Heath and I will get it from her and deposit it in our account).  Her contact info is:

Gwen Moore Wilson

4169 Canyon Road

Macon, Georgia 31210


Please contact Gwen or myself if you have any questions or ideas!!  Please pass the word to all your friends and lets get this party started!!


Paul Heath




We are 6 weeks out from the 70's POB-SOS Reunion Party at Idle Hour Country Club!!  So far, interest has been very good, but the actual number of people who have signed up and paid has been fairly small. Thanks to all of you who have already paid!  I have updated the website with the people who have paid and the the people who have said they are coming. Please look at that and decide to come and join the fun!   Our original deadline for registration and payment is February 28, just 3 weeks away.  After that, ticket prices will go up to $50.  All of the details for joining the website and paying are located on the website at  Please take a final look at your calendar, commit to coming to the party if you can and send us a check to help get this party started!!  We really want this to be a fun time, a time to reconnect with friends you have not seen in years.  Only you can make that happen by deciding to attend this event!  I really hope to hear from you all soon!  Call or email me if you have any questions or ideas!!

Thanks and looking forward to seeing you!

Paul Heath



Hello All!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!! Now it is time to get moving and find as many people as possible to attend our reunion!! Please join this website ( and indicate if you are coming or not. We really need to have some kind of idea as to how many people will be attending! Any help in locating people and getting the word out about the reunion will be greatly appreciated! Information on payment is listed below and everyone attending should be paid by Feb 28. Send any questions or ideas to me and we will get them taken care of!
Paul Heath '74

Hello All!!!

116 days to go and we having our first payment for the reunion!!!  We are on our way and I just see it snowballing as we get closer to March 23, 2013!!  There is no rush for your payment, send it whenever you want, just so we receive it by the end of February!  Keep spreading the word!! We have people coming from as far away as California so far.  Gonna be a fun one!

Three New Areas Added!!  Confirmed Attendees and How to Join and Payment Info!!

See Confirmed Attendees to see who is coming and who still needs to be contacted to get onboard!!

See How to Join if this is your first visit to website and want to join the fun!

See Payment Information to see where to send your check!



Hello All!!

I have set up an account to deposit checks in and to pay expenses from.  I have opened it up at Robins Federal Credit Union and it is in my name.  I will have full open access to the account, so if you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me.  I think using checks or cash will be the easiest way to pay for the party.  Ticket prices are $40 per person, to cover food and venue.  Please make checks out to me, Paul Heath, and annotate on the check it is for POB-SOS Reunion.  I will provide a monthly financial report so everyone know where we stand.  If you have any problems with this or suggestions on how to do it better, please let me know. 

You can start sending your payment at anytime and I will deposit it within 2 days of me receiving it.  Make the check payable to  Paul Heath and annotate on the check it is for POB-SOS Reunion.

Mailing address:

Paul Heath

124 Deer Ridge Circle

Gray, GA 31032

I will send you a note saying the check has been deposited.  If you have not received it within one week after sending the check, contact me and we will track it down.


Thanks again!!


We are 6 weeks out from the 70's POB-SOS Reunion Party at Idle Hour Country Club!!  So far, interest has been very good, but the actual number of people who have signed up and paid has been fairly small. Thanks to all of you who have already paid!  I have updated the website with the people who have paid and the the people who have said they are coming. Please look at that and decide to come and join the fun!   Our original deadline for registration and payment is February 28, just 3 weeks away.  After that, ticket prices will go up to $50.  All of the details for joining the website and paying are located on the website at  Please take a final look at your calendar, commit to coming to the party if you can and send us a check to help get this party started!!  We really want this to be a fun time, a time to reconnect with friends you have not seen in years.  Only you can make that happen by deciding to attend this event!  I really hope to hear from you all soon!  Call or email me if you have any questions or ideas!!

Thanks and looking forward to seeing you!




Hi Everyone!!

The ball is rolling and we are getting very excited about the 70's POB-SOS Reunion!!  Some new photos have been added to the Picture Gallery, including some SOS composites and some GREAT pictures from Kathy Adams 72!!  Thanks Kathy!  I highly encourage you to submit any photos you may have!  Photos and artifacts will help build excitement toward this party!

Thanks for everything!!


Hello All!!  Just wanted to mention that as of today, we have 150 days left to the reunion!  Time is flying by!  Please check the Missing Classmates and Member profiles.  Let us know of any email addresses or phone numbers you may have of members we do not have listed.  Hopefully, we will meet with the SOS girls next week and get their email list posted on the website.  Thins will really pick up then!!  I will announce time and place so anyone can attend that is interested in helping to put this together!  Thanks!!! Paul

Wow!  Very good response on the first day!!  Glad to see the ball is finally rolling and we are getting underway!  Please take a look at the missing classmates list and see if you know the email address for any of these people.  If so, you can enter it down at the bottom right of the home page, or you can just email it to me and I will send it out. Also, any pictures you may have will be great to add to the site!  Thanks again and let's see if we can get some momentum going!!


Hi, I am looking for material to add to the site.  Photos, composites, crests, decals, etc.  Please send along to me (if in digital format) or contact me (if not digital) and we can make arrangements to get them scanned in.  

Thanks!  Paul

Reunion wil be held on March 23, 2013 at 7:00 PM at the Idle Hour Country Club ballroom!

All members of Phi Omega Beta and Sigma Omega Sigma are welcome to come, but we will concentrate on classes from the 1970's. Please feel free to join us if you are not a member from these years!
