Shirley Prow Sandifer

Profile Updated: August 11, 2019
Residing In: Owensboro, KY USA
Married, remarried, widowed, divorced. Show number of years of current status: Married June 29, 2019
Your occupation or prior occupation if retired: Organist; retired bookkeeper
Children - Ages, location, occupation, grandchildren and ages (by child): Children: Stacey (Jason), born 1965-lives in Owensboro, KY. Stacey is a bookkeeper at Glenmary Sisters. More… She is also the pianist at Third Baptist Church, and it is so wonderful for us to be able to work together. Her primary interest is animal rescue, specifically senior and/or special needs dogs. She keeps them for their last few months/years, many times giving them the first love they've ever known.

Craig, born 1967 - lives in Brentwood (Nashville), TN - Alison-born 1987. Craig is a computer programmer-business systems analyst. In July, 2015 he became a partner in a consulting firm in Brentwood. He is very excited about this change, and looking forward to the challenges. Craig also recently became engaged to a wonderful woman, Shelly, who already seems like a daughter. She has a five-year-old daughter, Ashlyn, who has called me MeMaw from the beginning of the relationship. I am thrilled beyond words.

Brian (Seana), born 1973 - lives in Hendersonville (Nashville), TN - Jeffrey-born 2000, Elizabeth-born 2002. Brian is Associate-Professor of Music at Vanderbilt University. He performs with the Nashville Symphony and the Nashville Saxophone Quartet.

Kim (step-daughter) (Troy), born 1979 - lives in Scottsburg, IN - Zach-born 1994, Eli-born 1999. Kim is a nurse, and very involved in cancer research fund drives.

Krista (step-daughter), born 1980- lives near Scottsburg, IN - Kaylynn - born 2008. Krista is not doing well, either physically or mentally, and lives in an assisted living facility. Kim and Troy have been Kaylynn's legal guardians since the summer of 2013.
Spouse's name and occupation:

Wayne Sandifer, retired professor of religion and philosophy

Number of years retired:

Since September, 2008

Places lived:

Madisonville, KY
Owensboro, KY
Newburgh, IN
Owensboro, KY

First Job. Amount of pay, if remember:

Pianist for Episcopal Sunday School - $1.00 per Sunday

First car. Cost if remember:

Red Oldsmobile convertible


2 trips to Europe, 1987 and 1993
1 trip to England, 2004
2 trips to Las Vegas, 1994, 1998
1 trip "out West", 1988
Many trips to Baton Rouge, LA and Nacogdoches, TX
Trips with church groups to Canada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Florida


Bachelor's Degree, major in piano - 1964
Associate Degree in Computer Programming - 1988


Raising 3 wonderful children - working on the grandchildren

Recognized musician in Owensboro - played for Community Chorus presentation of Messiah for many years, have played for many Theatre productions (including "The King and I", "The Taffetas", "The Fantastics", "Always...Patsy Cline", "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"), as well as holding organist position since 1969

Things you do in retirement, i.e, volunteer work, hobbies, etc.:

I am still organist at Third Baptist Church.

I have developed two real passions since retiring. One has to do with music. Back Alley Musicals (BAM) was formed in the summer of 2010, and I was their rehearsal accompanist as well as the keyboard player for the performances. BAM disbanded in 2017 and has been replaced by Encore! Musicals. One of the most fun shows (and most challenging for me) was a 7-piece country band for "Always...Patsy Cline." I love it.

The other passion is dog rescue. In the spring of 2012, my daughter, son-in-law, and I formed a rescue group which was quickly given 501c3 status. The emphasis is on senior and/or special needs dogs. In the last one-and-a-half years, my canine babies have challenged me with diabetes, severe breathing problems, mushroom poisoning, blindness, deafness, brain tumor, mammary tumors, seizures, and near-fatal reaction to a seizure medication. It is sometimes difficult, but so rewarding also. These mostly otherwise unadoptable pets know that for however long there is any quality of life for them, they will be well-fed, comfortable, and very much loved.

Hobbies, Fun:

Sewing, reading, jigsaw puzzles, bridge

Who was your favorite MHS teacher (or teachers)?

Ruth Williams, Dean Dowdy, Mrs. Finley, Lulu Solomon (Smith)

Memories (Madisonville, School, anything):

The Youth Center, Sadie Hawkins Day, ballgames, chili dogs at Duncan's, circling the Dairy Queen, getting out early when it was too hot - and we thought it would last forever.

Things I would change:

I wish I'd been a little less serious, had more fun, learned to fast dance (I never did learn).

Posted: Aug 11, 2019 at 4:50 PM
Introduction as Wayne and Shirley Sandifer
Posted: Aug 11, 2019 at 4:51 PM
The coffee cups are for our first "semi-date", coffee at Starbuck's.
The wine glasses are because Wayne introduced me to drinking wine with dinner.
Posted: Aug 11, 2019 at 4:52 PM
It has been a long-standing conviction in Wayne's family that girlfriends are just like buses. If one gets away, another one will always come along. This is letting everyone know that for Wayne, the buses have stopped.
Posted: Aug 11, 2019 at 4:55 PM
Three days after our wedding, I got a text and picture about a 3.2 lb., 14-year old Yorkie, missing one eye and blind in the remaining one, who had been abandoned at a nearby animal control. Somewhat hesitantly I showed it to him and said "What do you think?" He replied "I don't even know why you're asking me." We picked Sugar up the next day.
Posted: Jan 31, 2019 at 8:11 AM
Wayne with my Shih Tzu, Jasper. Jasper has totally deserted me for Wayne. If we're both on the sofa and I pick Jasper up, he will walk across me and Wayne to settle down on the other side and put his head in Wayne's lap.
Posted: Jan 31, 2019 at 8:12 AM
Toffee (chihuahua) prefers to lie down between us on the sofa, but obviously is fine with Wayne when he's the only one there.
Posted: Jan 31, 2019 at 8:13 AM
Wayne Sandifer, retired professor of religion and philosophy, with me at my choir Christmas dinner.
Posted: Aug 13, 2015 at 10:05 PM
We were ALL in costume for Smoke on the Mountain, spring of 2015. I'm squeezed to the side in this picture, but the one below shows my costume. My hat was one of the hits of the show.
Posted: Aug 13, 2015 at 10:03 PM
Posted: Feb 25, 2014 at 1:22 PM
2/25/14 - For the last two months, I have spent 3-4 evenings a week rehearsing with this unbelievably talented group of young men in preparation for Back Alley Musicals' production of Forever Plaid. They're singing "Moments to Remember", "No Not Much", "Cry", "Catch a Falling Star", "Love Is a Many Splendored Thing", etc. Talk about a blast from the past!
