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•   Dominick Malchiodi  4/13
•   Lauren Kraft (Harakidas)  3/12
•   Gregg Dispoto  10/16
•   David A. Arcuri  12/26
•   Doreen Di Domenico (Single)  12/23
•   Kenneth Lubbers  11/5
•   Monica J. Clarizio (Wood)  6/30
•   Kathleen B. Huyghue (Mongon)  4/18
•   Lisa Sarubbi  10/31
•   Robert Lounsbury  10/22
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alabama
3 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
1 lives in Colorado
21 live in Connecticut
22 live in Florida
4 live in Georgia
2 live in Illinois
1 lives in Kentucky
2 live in Maryland
6 live in Massachusetts
1 lives in Nevada
3 live in New Hampshire
15 live in New Jersey
3 live in New Mexico
162 live in New York
4 live in North Carolina
1 lives in North Dakota
1 lives in Ohio
1 lives in Oregon
7 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
3 live in Texas
5 live in Virginia
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Quebec
1 lives in Norway
1 lives in United Kingdom
180 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


This site has been created by your classmates and any small donation to keep it up and running will be greatly appreciated. Please click the Donate button below. Donations can be made by PayPal, or with a regular credit card if you do not have a PayPal account.

Welcome to the Mahopac 1979 Website! 

This site was created as a place to provide information regarding the high school reunion, to rekindle lost friendships and communicate with our classmates. We hope you find it helpful and easy to use.

•    Click here to learn how to navigate around the site.
•    Register on the site by visiting Classmate Profiles to get updated information and log into secure pages.
•    Check out the FAQ page for answers to frequently asked questions.
•    And of course, you can contact the Mahopac 79 Reunion committee for any questions not answered in our FAQs by sending us a note in the Contact Us section.

Thank you all for joining in our Reunion Weekend. It was truly wonderful to see such an eclectic group of people reconnecting and having such a good time in the process!

Please visit the Shutterfly account – to upload your photos so that everyone who attended and those who didn't can see our event!
