Too soon, we lose those we love.  These are classmates, friends, loved ones whom we will remember.  We are thankful for our time with them, our happy memories of them and opporunities to talk about them with those who carry shared memories. Rest in Peace.
By Year Deceased Alphabetically

Joan Albro (Deceased Year Unknown)
Bob Braxton (Deceased 1985)
Michelle Breeding (Deceased Year Unknown)
Carl Carter (Deceased Year Unknown)
Carol Conde (Deceased 2016)
Derek Crowe (Deceased 2008)
Tim Moore (Deceased Year Unknown)
Jackie Palmere (Deceased Year Unknown)
Drew Toland (Deceased Year Unknown)
Brenda Waddell (Deceased Year Unknown)
Janice Wells (Deceased Year Unknown)
Karen West (Deceased Year Unknown)

If you are aware of a Classmate who should be added to this page please let us know.
