Classmate Profiles (1981)

     User has created a profile: 33
     Profile contains photos: 10
     In Memory: 2
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 2
     Military Service: 5
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Laura Affolter (Rankin)
Chris Agers
Scott Althen
Sharon Anderson (Ward)
Sheila Anderson
Kym Bailey (Stevenson)
Sue Balsano (Jobe)
Paul Barteau
Patty Basta (Lehman)
Kurt Baumgarner
Lee Bell
Blasé Belobrajdic
Rebecca Binger
Paul Bitter
Temmie Jo Bowers
David Boyd
Danny Brown
Brenda Buie
Donna Burger (Hughes)    
Mike Burlison
Janice Cannon
Linda Carter (Allen)
Sandy Cook (Mauk)
Terry Cook
Lewis Cooper
Peggy Cooper (Springer)   
Jean Coplin
Marty Coughlin
Scott Darden   
Bryan Davis
Joe Davis
Dave Decker
Margaret Donahue (Miller)    
Laura Douglas
Joe Drapp
Chris Dresch   
Linda Ebert
Brenda Elder (Headrick)
Jeff Elfrink   
Ken Elfrink    
Mark Ellis   
Raymond Feilner     
Charles Ferguson
Marvin Ferguson
Theresa Fischer (LaBruyere)
Tim Flynn    
Terry Ford
Patricia Foreman
Rodney Forte    
Todd Francis
Mike Friend
Johanna Friese
Genny Fulhorst (Droege)
Tracy Garside (Struebig)
Rose Gartland
Jeff Gaskin
Jeff George
Karim George
Jane Gipperich (Sharp)
Kathy Graham (Feilner)
Jeff Gray
Terry Gray (Olishile)   
Glenn Griebel   
Debbie Gruswitz (McEnery)   
Mark Hall
Robin Hand
Todd Hanley
Mary Hanson (Braun)   
Angie Harris
Renee Harsh (McDonough)   
Karla Hausermann (Miller)    
Roland Hayes
Viola Elaine Heflin   
Jim Hendel   
Mike Hendel
Ben Herbert
Zola Hitchens
Scot Holly
Reggie Holmes
Carole Huighe
Joan Hunter (Avery)
Carol Johnson
Sharon Johnson
Barbara (Mickey) Jones
Jackie Jones
Kim Jordan (Poole)
Jennifer Kelley (Heumann)
Mark King
Lisa Kopf (Craig)
Ben Kubesh
Virginia Kuchler (Woodson)
Karen Laubert (Vance)   
Roger Lawson
Shelby Lightfoot
Stephanie Lightfoot
Sharon Littrell
Kathy Lively (Scott)
Leslie Long (Varney)   
Russell Long
Chris Lore
Sue Mansfield    
Lisa Mattox (Gonzalez)
Mike McDonough
Tim McDonough
Brett McGuire
Miki McKee (Koelsch)    
Belinda McKnight (Davis)
Donna McLaughlin (Hogue)    
Claudia Meadows (Hughey)
Amber Melton (Turner)
Theresa Miederhoff
Kevin Milcic
Sterling Miles
Linda Miller (Nuetzel)    
Brenda Minor
Lorraine Miraglia (Thomas)
Tom Miskel
Jim Modlin
Vikki Mooney (Green)
Dorian Moore
Todd Morris    
Corinna Mull
Dennis Nevils
Rodney Newell
Dale Norman
Debbie Norman (Howe)   
Marty Novak   
Ray Ogle
Dwayne Olsen
Trent Olsen
Robert Pace   
Jeff Parker
Jonathan Parker
Lisa Parker (Duncan)
Martin Patty   
Geraldine Perry
Renee Pettibone (Holder)
Ken Pewitt
Fred Piercefield
Robin Piercefield (Brown)
Connie Poliette (Nichelson)
Julie Powell (Edmonds)
Lisa Pryor (Wells)
Dave Quinlan
Richard Rafferty
Dave Rapp
Dana Redmond (Parker)
Lewis Reece
Terry Remes (Ried)
Jim Ried
Glenn Roberts
Rob Romeo
Terry Rouse (Bullar)
Steve Salvaggio
Richard Sanders
Robert Sanders
Mary Schall (Norman)
Terry Schoenberger
Kathy Schuster (Wilson)
Amer Michael Shah    
Darrell Sikes (Langelia)
Dana Smith (Miller)
Mark Smith
Reba Smith
Tom Soest
Theresa Struemph (Henry)
Jon Stuertz
Pat Swallow
Cevin Sweeney    
Andrea Szucs
Terry Taylor
Brad Thompson   
Bradford Tillis
Lisa Toft (Nieder)
Rick Townsend (Kuhl)
Sally Trout (Schmidt)
Debbie Turner (Melton)
Laurie Van (Gilder Wallach)
Mark Wagner
Suzie Watkins (Taylor)
Ronnie Weber
Bonnie Werner
Marion Westfall (Jegel)   
Bobby Williams
Edmond Willis (Iii)
Donna Wilson (Pieber)   
Gary Wilson
Donna Wirth
Terry Zook
Scott Zurbriggen

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