Cindy George Lewis

Profile Updated: October 31, 2011
Residing In: Sully, IA USA
Spouse/Partner: Greg
Occupation: Business Owner
Children: Michael 1981
Elaine 1983
Yes! Attending Reunion

Sorry I missed the reunion, received the notice late. Maybe next time. I have been extremely busy with my two wonderful grandchildren, Cayden 5 and Emma 2, with another one on the way. They call me "Nina", why, I suppose Barney told them to. That purple dinosaur has magic powers over children you know. Any hoot, they keep us on our toes and we enjoy them tremendously. We have a beautiful home in Sully, I have lived here for 17 years, we just completed installing our new pool, that has now become the home of our new frog friends, do you think they know Barney. Stop by and see us sometime if in town, we own an Archery Business for all you mighty deer or feathered friend hunters. Sometimes its hard to catch us but I bet if you have a deer calls, turkey call or have your arrow whisper by us, we will hear you and race home to greet you. Sounds like the reunion was a lot of fun, hope to see you all at the next one, remember I have not moved my address remains the same after 17 yrs, Sully is a very small town, everyone knows everyone here. Happy Summer Fun.... Cindy P.S. yes I am a chatty cathy, my son runs "Smokin Hog BBQ" delicious food, smoke just about anything, except that funny green stuff, he caters parties, and if you have been to the Marshall County Fair then you probably tasted our food. Ta ta for now. Me :o)

School Story:

I remember when I had foot surgery, on both feet, so serious I missed all of gym class. (this is why I did not graduate in my original class 1978, I had to make up a stupid 1/4 credit, could not graduate, I was devastated, had to return to your wonderful class of 1979 to go to school for 3 hours a day, just to make up gym class.) Any way back to my story, I could not walk, so Griff Weaver would give me a piggy back ride everyday from my car to the building and to my first class, everyday for 12 weeks... I was a skinny thing then, I'd like to see Griff try and give me a piggy back ride now... Whata say Griff, u up for a try... lol.... Thanks for the "rides" to class Griff wherever he may be..... Yippee Kiah!!

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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:07 PM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:07 PM