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•   Joyce Welch (Benson)  6/24
•   Christopher Heckel  10/2
•   Randy Derfus  9/25
•   Jill Bump  9/21
•   Sandra Kiddoo  9/20
•   Gary Mancl  9/12
•   Erika Danou (Danou-Hasan)  9/11
•   Lori Lenz (Panzer)  9/11
•   Jamie Nafziger  9/11
•   Kate Brueggen (Jackan)  9/10
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  Welcome to the

Marshfield High Class of 1987

web site!





 Plans for the next class reunion is underway!

Click here 35th Class Reunion to register. If the link isn't working, make sure you are logged in or click the link in the left column.

Be sure to update your profile and make sure info is current.

We hope to see you there!



Hello Class of ‘87!

35 years ago we celebrated our graduation together. Now it is time to celebrate again. The years since our last reunion have been rough, and we are excited to be able to gather in person again. The main events for the reunion are the Friday night football game and post game gathering on the 23rd (see details on 35th Class Reunion page) and the Saturday event starting at 2:00 on the 24th at Marshfield Country Club. The events will be very casual and we hope you can make it!

Reunion years always make me reflective. Even if we live in different places and have had different life experiences since high school, we have so much in common. It is always fun and affirming to connect with you and learn that we have shared struggles (the Great Recession, the COVID pandemic) and also to hear your funny stories and updates on your families and Iives. In this regard, I encourage you to take a few minutes to post some recent pictures and an update on your life in your profile on this site. Many thanks to Kate Brueggen, Mike Hiller, Kurt Officer, Scott Larson, Dave Stratton, Russell Derfus, Ken Hill, Chris Heckel, and Dawn Kleba who have updated their profiles in recent months. Please join them! I encourage you to add a funny story or reflections on how the pandemic impacted your life. I’ve added a monkey story to my profile today to get things rolling. I hope you will join me in mourning the loss of several of our classmates since our last reunion: Tom Voss, Danelle Grottke, and Richard Steczynski. See the “In Memory” section of this website for information on their passing. It is always difficult to believe we have lost these precious classmates and reminds me to savor each day. They are missed. Feel free to post comments on their profiles if you have remembrances you would like to share. Thanks to the reunion committee members for making this happen! Hope to see you in a few weeks. Please let us know if you have any questions. Best wishes, Jamie Nafziger
