Contact Us

It is great to hear from classmates, yet there are moments when a bit of help will assist faster than a reply to a message. Here are two tips.

  • Forgot your password? Return to the log-in box, enter your email address, and click the "Forgot Password" link. The system will send you an email with a link. Click on the link in the email and follow the prompts to reset your password.
  • Did you have a change of address, phone number, or email address change? Please follow these directions:

Log into our site. If your email address has changed, use the old one to log in.

Under Member Functions in the left menu choose EDIT CONTACT INFO.

Update any changes.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to SAVE your changes.


Need other help? Errors found?
Send a Message to Donald Reinboldt, Site Administrator,
and our site assistant, Gwen Reinboldt Corey '70:


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