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•   Thomas Sato  3/29
•   Juliet Huddy (Fattoruso)  3/15
•   James Slingo (Slingo)  2/19
•   Andrew Redenius  11/28
•   Xavier Minne  10/12
•   Stephen Koka  9/18
•   Michael Lynch  12/13
•   Darren Brown  10/26
•   Jean Hwang (Verheyden)  3/21
•   Darrell MacAulay (MacAulay)  4/6
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Langley High School
Class Of 1987

Welcome to the Langley High School Class of 1987 web site!

Can you believe that it has been 25 years since we have graduated high school?

We have been busy planning our reunion and wanted to give you all some details.

Our 25th reunion will take place on October 5th and 6th, 2012.  Please register on this site - it's free, and update your profile information. We will be using this site to communicate all of the reunion details, share photos, view profiles, and see who's coming.  And we may continue to use this site for future communications for our class.  Did you notice that we have our very own website

To see all of the details regarding our 25th reunion, click  HERE.

Some of the neat things you can do on this site is chat with other classmates that are logged in to the site, enter profile info so others will know what you have been up to, upload old Langley photos and videos, register for the reunion events that you will be attending, email classmates, help us find and contact 'missing classmates' (those classmates who have not yet joined this site and updated their profile info), participate in polls and surveys, etc., etc.

We can't wait to reconnect at our 25th reunion!!!!!

Thank you to our sponsoring SAXONS!

Kevin Reilly

Alexandria Hyundai

Gary Partoyan

Potomac Wealth Strategies

Dynamic Global Portfolios, Personalized Financial Advice.

Jack Quarles

Buying Excellence

Cathy Stanmeyer Pugsley

Potomac River Running


Langley High School Class of 1987 will be holding its 25th reunion on Saturday, October 6, 2012. We hope you can make it!
Plan on coming to the Old Brogue on Friday night for casual happy hour.
