Kindle Book: Simple Guide to Over-the-Air Free TV
Posted Thursday, September 11, 2014 08:06 AM

Has anyone else written a book?  Traditional or ebook, it's all good!

In April I published a Kindle book entitled Simple Guide to Over-the-Air Free TVIt was in response to lots of people asking me about my cord cutting lifestyle and a flat antenna I reviewed for Amazon. 

As a result, one of the top makers of flat TV antennas has recently contacted me to have me write weekly blog posts for their site in addition to product reviews and assorted other. It's very exciting for me, as it will bring me in contact with others who share my passion for tech and saving money.

Anyone can read the book using the Amazon apps for iOS, Android, PC and Mac, and it's free to self-publish on Amazon. 

If you publish only on Amazon via Kindle Direct Publishing, and price your book at $2.99 - $9.99 you can set it up so you get 70% of all book sale royalties. In addition you can sign up for a special program whereby even borrowed books earn royalties as though they were purchased.

You can also opt out after 90 days in the 70% Amazon-exclusive category to put your book on other sites like Barnes and Noble, but you royalties drop to 30% on Amazon. 

The KDP program gets your book out to Amazon sites worldwide. An amazing boost to self-published authors!

KDP is a great way to spread your words and earn a passive income. Check out the program at Kindle Direct Publishing.

If anyone needs some tips as to how to get started with their book, feel free to contact me.