Michelle (Shelly) Gaug Miller

Profile Updated: January 24, 2010
Michelle (Shelly) Gaug
State you currently reside: Wadsworth, OH USA
Kids? Meagan, Darren and Natalie
Occupation: Operations Manager- SANEO
Yes! Attending Reunion
Any family still in or around Medina?


How often do you get back to the Medina area (if you don't reside in/around Medina)?


Would you ever move back to Medina area?

Already there

What did you do right after high school?

Went to college, got married and had kids.....

High points of your life since high school?

I loved my high school years!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Recreational activities- bowling, softball, skydiving, spending time at my kids events....

Any grey hair yet?


Did you have any nicknames in school?

Not that I want to keep

Any nicknames now?


What's your favorite memory of Highland High?

All the laughter and carefree days.....

What's the biggest thing you would change if you could go back to your time at Highland High School?

To know what I know now....

Favorite music/artist(s):


Favorite food(s):


Famous or interesting people you've met?

Everyone is interesting if you want to get to know them.....

Cool things you've done?

