In Memory

Danny McGinn

Danny died in 2000, as the result of an automobile accident.

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08/18/08 08:15 AM #1    

Ric Adkins

Danny was a good friend a good guy, always had my back ,he will be missed .

08/19/08 02:10 PM #2    

Lawrence McLaughlin

Danny was a hell of a good friend. i was at his funeral and it was amazing how many people showed up. it was a tribute to how well liked danny was. he has a daughter the is 10 years old named Karsyn McGinn. i miss danny very much.

08/19/08 11:59 PM #3    

Fatima Jadallah (Abdelkarim)

Im sure we missed his laugh and we are going to keep missing him and his laugh but he will always be in our hearts.

08/20/08 05:51 AM #4    

Jennifer Reddig

I met Danny in 2nd grade when we were both making our Communion at St. Marys. I dont recall anyone ever saying anything negative about him. My fondest memory is from 12th grade...I was driving around with Danny and two other friends and he and I ended up just sitting on a parking lot block talking. I remember that I thought "he is genuinely a nice guy" Just two friends hanging out talking - like adults. He is in one of the pictures on my profile from 8th grade -showing his guns.

08/21/08 01:24 PM #5    

Angela Streby (Kosh)

I was also very sad to hear about Danny. He really was a great guy. He was fun to be around and easy to talk to. My last memory of him was when he came to visit while I was at Michigan State. I was sitting in his car waiting for him and started being nosy. I opened his glove box to snoop, but then couldn't make it shut again. It was broken. So when he came back it was still open and I was caught! I was embarrassed, but he was so good-natured, he just laughed at me. What a tragic loss.

08/24/08 10:09 PM #6    

Gerald McCarron

Danny and I were on the 8th grade wrestling team together. He was a good guy.

08/26/08 04:16 PM #7    

Wendy Owens (Leitch)


08/29/08 01:21 PM #8    

Scott Polites

Danny was one of my best friends growing up. We shared alot of great times together. Times that will never be forgotten. Danny was a Great person and friend. He will always be in my heart.

09/10/08 12:21 PM #9    

Jerry Steifer

This was very sad to hear,My condolences go out to his family.I knew Danny from 2nd grade at Saint Mary's.He was a good friend and a great person.

02/07/10 10:52 AM #10    

Mark Poremba

Wow!! This just shocked me!! I was just browsing around and found this site to our High School and joined. Then I noticed this. Danny and I were good friends!! When we were younger, somewhere in our teens, we would always hook up in the winter to take long walks on the frozen creek!! We would get up early and just walk for hours one way, and then pook our heads up to see where the heck we were, and then walk all the way home. Would usually last all day!! We would dare each other to walk on the thin ice and see if we would fall through or not. And also we would break it to see what kind of mess we could get ourselves into. Sometimes being trapped in the middle and we would have to jump to the sides!! I think even Scott Polites came with us once or twice. And trust me, we fell through more then once!! LOL!! I remember one time he was like "Hey Mark! Look at this!" And I looked and he was on VERY thin ice, but it was holding him up, and he was sort of like bouncing and wiggling very gently on it, and then all of a sudden he fell through so fast to his knees that it was like he took a seat right on his butt while his legs were in the water. Was funny!! I think Scott might have been with us that day too!! He will be missed!! And I miss those long wintery walks on the frozen creek!! Also had a nice camping trip with him and his family to Houghton Lake once around 9th grade. My condolences go out to his family! And may Danny Rest In Peace!!

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