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•   Charles Malone  1/27
•   Carol Stanley (Olajide)  5/10
•   Kathy Holleman  2/22
•   Nancy "Sue" Proctor  2/23
•   Sara Andreu  10/7
•   Rafael Anaya  7/23
•   Whitney Rowell (Hutton)  5/16
•   Raul Montes  5/16
•   Belinda Flores  5/3
•   Jorge Morales  3/6
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alaska
3 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
31 live in Florida
4 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Australia
553 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Miami Springs Senior High School
Class of 1976


Jennifer Nagode



     I am sorry to be the bearer of sad news, Louis A. Nagode ‘76 ended his life on 8/4/16 in San Diego. Graduating MIT in 1981 with a BS/MS degree electrical engineering and computer science, he then married Jennifer Phillips (Wellesley ’80) in 1981. Together they welcomed into the world daughter Melanie in 1983, followed by son Louis “Paul” in 1985 (deceased 2004). Starting his career with Hewlett Packard, he moved on to various technological companies, and ended up working at Oracle for 19 years at the top level of their sales support team. He co-authored a book, Big Data, and also started several small independent entrepreneurial endeavors. Over the past year, he dedicated his time to creating his dream company, nTrustent, whose mission was to create an online marketplace to “flip houses” with a unique spin of directing some of the profits back to the original disadvantaged homeowners. Unfortunately the company folded in July. Losing him to mental illness has been devastating to his wife and daughter, his sisters Veronica Nagode and Gail Boutin-Sarabia as well as countless extended family members and friends. In both his professional and personal life, Louis was passionate about helping people realize their potential, always giving generously of his time, money and encouragement. His big smile, eternal optimism, and “can do” attitude inspired hundreds of people. He was greatly loved and will be immensely missed. Those who wish to honor his memory are invited to make a donation to NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness,




If we really want to have a reunion, then I need help getting it organized.  I also need your help in locating our missing classmates.  Please click on the missing classmates link on the left side of the screen and if you are in touch with anyone on the list, please send them the link to our website and ask them to update their information.

If you are willing to help, please let me know. If we don't get some response soon, there will be no reunion!






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