Brigitte Dusserre Klement

Profile Updated: September 20, 2008
Residing In: Salt Lake City, UT USA
Spouse/Partner: Eric
Occupation: Wonder Woman
Children: Madeleine 6
Alexander 3 1/2

Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion



Life is good. God is great!

1992 BA Communications SUU
1994 10 Week Europe tour
Travel in the U.S.
More work. More travel.
2001 Married...moved to Heber City, Ut
2002 First child--daughter, Madeleine
2004 Second child--son, Alexander
2008 Moved to SLC
Presenlty-LOOKING FORWARD TO THE REUNION. I love this site! See you all there!

School Story:

Okay, Jack Myers mentioned Rhoda's. That was one of my memories that I didn't post yet. Was spending class time there really sluffing? Thanks John Maddox for the respite. Thanks Jack for bringing up the memories.

Hmmmmmmm....okay, two HHS experiences come to mind. The first: Mr. Eckberg brought his classroom pet boa/python/anaconda (all the same in my book) right over to my desk knowing full well that I was terrified of snakes. Then he stood there with his cheshire grin loving on that reptile. He then asked, "Are you afraid of him?" I cannot believe he did that. How bored he must have been.
The second memory: On a "dare/prompt" from two hippie teachers I played The National Anthem over the school PA at the begining of the day. The dare? The piece was the Jimi Hendrix rendition!!! The principal was standing right next to me. Arrrgghhhhh, not only was I keeping a straight face, but my stomach was wrenching at the twists of the crazy Hendrix guitar. Does anyone remember that? I can't believe I did that. How bored I must have been!
