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October 26, 2023


The 55th reunion is now in the history books and it was a magnificent evening.  The 55th Reunion Planning Committee (Carolee Hammel, Susan Hawkins, Cheryl Parsons Hughes, Mont Millerberg and Bryce Barney) is so grateful for the efforts of those who helped to make the evening happen.  A BIG THANK YOU goes out to each of you for supporting the class by attending the reunion and keeping in touch with each other via this website!  We hope you continue that effort!

There are a few people who need special thanks, whether it was for helping with set up and taking down the reunion site, making calls, helping to bring things to the reunion or doing behind the scenes activities which made the evening successful.  Taylor Smith, Coralyn Smith, Rosemary Gerona Burke, Kim Watts, Annette Brinton, Diana Herz and Jodi Rasmason Hardcastle were key in helping do the small stuff!  Our evening was more successful because of you!  THANK YOU!

A special thanks goes out to DyAnn Mons Nielson and her husband, Randy, for preparing and displaying the video reminiscing those class members who have passed away.  It was tastefully done, beautifully accompanied by thoughtful music, and a humbling experience to watch as we remembered those who are no longer with us.  HUGE thanks for the time and effort in making a thoughtful, lovely remembrance!  Tears were shed.

And, finally, we wish to thank Kristie Hickman Hyde, without whom all reunions past and present would have been difficult to achieve!  Kristie has worked tirelessly for over 40 years to keep track of class members' addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, life successes, etc!  She has made countless phone calls (you may have received one) to class members to let you know that you are not lost to the class, you are well thought of and are missed when you don't come.  She has found class members whose passings were missed before.  She has attended countless funerals of class members!  Kristie is the glue that has kept our class cohesive!  Because of Krsitie's dogged efforts, no one in our class has been able to hide for long.  She is a true 'Sherlock Holmes' with skills and determination.  All past, present (and future) committee chairs and their committees have seen her in action and are thanksful!  Our heartfelt thanks and extended praise for your work, Kristie.  You are the truest example of a HUSKY!!  

NOTE:  Reunion photos are in the Alumni Photo Gallery.  Click on the tab and view the two 55th Reunion Galleries!  The second one has a link to the In Memoriam video!




Your 55th Committee,

Carolee Hammel

Susan Hawkins

Cheryl Parsons Hughes

Mont Millerberg

Bryce Barney