Reunion Photos

White Elephant Auction raised some cash for the 20th reunion!

Shawn and Debbie run the auction


Kristal Sherman and her hubby catered a great meal of BBQ chicken, potato salad,

baked beans, and rolls- YUMMY!


  Melissa, Eric, and Matt

  Greg and Rick

  Chris and Amy

  Melissa and Shawn

  Eric and Shannon

  Kathy and Melissa  Chris and Rick


  Michele and Melissa

  Kristal didn't leave the kitchen ALL NIGHT!

  Greg, Rick, Eric Swisher, Loren, Eric MacMillen, and Jason

  Jason and Loren


Eric, Shawn Darby, Robbie (Charity's husband) Charity, and Ray

Charity and Shawn (Hey, as the photographer I have to get some pics of me, even if they are "posey")
