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•   James Lewis  6/15
•   Janice Cooley (Livingston)  8/19
•   Wayne Barnes  2/14
•   Harvey Updyke  2/14



Who lives where - click links below to find out.

3 live in Alabama
3 live in California
54 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Kentucky
3 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in North Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
2 live in Texas
3 live in Virginia
5 location unknown
25 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!



Welcome to the MHS Class of 1967 website.  This is a free site dedicated to those of us who graduated from Milton High School in 1967 and is for the sole benefit of those graduates.  Please help make this a fun and beneficial web site by joining and creating your own personal profile.  The only people allowed to review your personal information will be your fellow classmates.  You can also help us by uploading photos, updating your personal information,  including email addresses, and providing any helpful hints that can make this site better.  Remember, this is your site and I am just the administrator!!  

As I learn more about how to monitor and upgrade the content, I will be adding some fun links that you should enjoy.  I am open to any suggestions, etc. at any time.  Please visit often and join the forum and chat room as time allows.

Once you join and create your profile, please take a minute to look at, and possibly, comment on those classmates who are deceased.  The purpose of the "In Memory" section is to allow you to see who is deceased and for you to pen a note, if you desire.  You can help me by sending me any information you may have about any of the deceased classmates and I will update the information accordingly.

One item of importance is to please let me know if you served in our military as you will be honored with an American flag beside your name.  Thanks for your service!!! You can make note of your service when joining the site and it will automatically place a flag next to your name.  Please let me know if anyone I have missed in the deceased list has served and I will update that information.  Thank you.

We will soon start working on a 45th Class Reunion to be held in 2012, probably in the summer.  As always, we are open to suggestions and welcome input.

Thanks for joining, creating your profile and adding any comments or suggestions you may have.  My personal email is and my phone number is 850-261-4478.  Thanks in advance!!

Wayne Barnes - Site Administrator














