Stephanie Kramer

Profile Updated: April 22, 2008
Residing In: Portland, OR USA
Occupation: Recordings Project Assistant, professional singer
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending Reunion



I have a great job as a Recordings Project Assistant...producing cd's for a music publishing company. I also keep busy singing in professional choirs in Portland: Cappella Romana, Portland Baroque Orchestra Chorus, Cantores in Ecclesia, and Trinity Consort.

I have been lucky to do quite a bit of traveling with groups that I sing with, although that has slowed down a bit now that I have a full time job as well.

School Story:

All I cared about in high school was singing and hanging out with my choir friends. Being a choir geek paid off. I've been singing professionally for over 15 years. For a while that's all I was doing, but then I got tired of being a starving artist, and decided to get a "real" job, which I was blessed to be able to find in the music field.