In Memory

Leslie Kruse (Scott) VIEW PROFILE

The "Minneapolis Roosevelt High School Class of 1986" extends our deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the family & friends of Leslie Kruse Scott at the loss of their dear loved one.

Leslie passed away on Sunday, February 12, 2012 

She is survived by: Patrick Scott (Spouse) Josh Kruse (Son) Derrick Koch (Son) Kasarah Archambault (Daughter) Jamal Sanders (Grandson) Jesse Archambault (Son) Annalise Archambault (Granddaughter)

It is with great sorrow that we say good-bye to our beloved classmate, and may she rest in peace.



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02/14/12 05:48 PM #1    

Holly Megears (Rumbold)

she will be missed by so many friends and family..her family has my thoughts and prayers..holly rumbold

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