Classmate Profiles

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Yolanda Allen
Karen Banker
Loretta Bataglia    
Robyn Becton
Eric Black
Corinne Blanchard (Viso)
Mike Bower
Joey Bradford
Don Braswell
Jon Braswell  
Anne Breard
Chap Breard
Mary Margaret Broussard
Trish (Tuc) Bui (Nguyen)   
Donna Cascio
Keith Cascio    
Vic Cascio
Lisa Davis
Deborah Ditta
Susan Ditta (Frusha)   
Michael DuBos
Debbie Eberts (Nichols)   
Richard Edminston
Suzi Elias   
Cindi Ellis
Kim Etier
Marc Fandal
Peggy Fish
Ginny Floyd
Denise Fontana (Scott)   
Jill Fontana
Jill Free (Carr)   
Van Frusha    
Helena Gault (Altick)  
Laura Gibb
Warren Guerriero  
Richard Guidry
Tony Guirlando   
Debbie Hale
Rick Harper  
Wayne Harris  
Beth Hart
Theresa Hodge
Mark Holyfield
Kim Hummel (Kennedy)   
Valerie Jackson
Durrell Johnson
Amanda Johnston
Rose Jordan (West)   
Theresa Jungina
Prentiss Love
Darrell Lovett (N/A)  
Paula Lucien
Laurie Luffey   
Kyla McCall (Eberts)
Ernest McClendon
Don McGuire
Stephanie Meinel
Bill Moran
Toby Nelson
Jackie Norman
Becky Norris (Miller)   
Sarah Patterson (Edwards)
Rodney Pendelton
Chris Pendola
Joe Piro
Stephen Pistorius
Angela Pittman
Michael Pohlman
Lisa Reeves (Keene)
Pat Riley   
David Rivoire
Eric Roberts
Dayna Sampognaro    
Aimee Savage (Anthony)    
Wayne Scallan
Paige Shanas
Felton Shaw
Veronica Smalling (Dickey)   
Chris Smith
David Soignier   
John Soignier
Joel St. Marie
Ike Stokes
Monica Tanner (Boudreaux)    
Danny Taylor    
Mike Teer
Tammi Tinsley (Paul)   
Jimmy Townley   
Madison Townley   
Tony Tramontana
Amy Tucker (Barefoot)
Bill Turner
Tommy Turner
Helen Vanderhoven
Donna Walling (Lorensen)   
Timothy Wattick   
Joan Welch
Gina White
Ashley Wroten (Naylor)   

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