Not a member?
Find and click on your name.


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 59.9%

A:   172   Joined
B:   115   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

6 live in Arizona
111 live in California
1 lives in District Of Columbia
1 lives in Florida
2 live in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
2 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Missouri
5 live in Nevada
1 lives in New York
3 live in North Carolina
2 live in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
3 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
3 live in Washington
1 lives in Chile
1 lives in Germany
2 live in Philippines
1 lives in Turkey
115 location unknown


•   Ferdinand Flores  9/19
•   Clifford Hill  9/22
•   Joanna Kast (Shofner)  9/26
•   Robert Rodriguez  9/26
•   Michael Erickson  9/29
•   Michael Fowler  10/5
•   Charles Storelli  10/6
•   Erin Donnegan (McCombs)  10/8
•   Julie Farrald (Ramirez)  10/8
•   Michelle Hanson (Faatuai)  10/9
•   Phuong Nguyen  10/15
•   Sam Kabat  10/17


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Want to see which classmates have already registered to be there? Just click on Classmate Profiles and press the filter button for Attending either Friday or Saturday.

Today's a great day to decide to go to our 30th Reunion Weekend! Register TODAY by clicking the 30 YEAR REUNION page on the left...we're looking forward to seeing YOU! (not registered on this site yet, just find your name on the missing classmates page or use the contact us link to send us a message and we'll get you added!)

Welcome Toreadores


Click here for more details and to register for free

"It's funny how friends can come in and out of your life so quickly,
yet leave footprints and memories in your heart forever."

This site is for graduates and attendees of Monterey High School Class of 1994. It is privacy protected and completely FREE to all of the above. There will NEVER be annoying advertising on this site or anyone asking you to pay to be a part of it.

This site isn’t about waistlines, hairlines or credit lines.
It’s about
It’s about
reconnecting with our friends from
some of the best years of our lives -
It's about
caring for our classmates and their families!

Nothing more,
Nothing less.
New to the site?
Activate your profile today!
 Just click on your name on the classmates list and follow the prompts.
You can check out the FIRST TIME VISITING? page for more help, as well.
Been here for while?
Remember to keep your contact info up to date!
Some of us have been the the same house with the same number forever...but others like to always be on the move...remember to periodically check in and update your address, phone numbers and most imortantly your email addresses so you can stay informed!!!
Have fun browsing all these fun pages!
See who else has already logged on and check out what they've been up to since we graduated (and in most cases what they look like now!).
Your participation is essential for the web site to be complete!
Your classmates are waiting to hear from YOU!!!
We need your photos, updates, and memories to enhance this site as well as to make certain it represents ALL of the members from the MHS Class of 94.   Even if you haven't attended a reunion, nor kept in touch at all since graduation, we ask that you please take the time to update your profile and maybe even submit a photo or two.  We're certain your fellow classmates would love hearing from you!   And, you may even reconnect with an old friend!   Your submissions will make this site fun, interesting and complete.   So, add your own personal touch and see what happens!
We have tried to compile as many classmate names as we can but if you're name is not on the list...PLEASE let us know and we will add it right away!!!
If you started out in our class but for whatever reason did not graduate with us, we'd love to have you join us as well!

