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05/29/08 01:57 PM #1    

Xavier Rosa

Welcome to the Robert E Lee High School Class Of 1999 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

09/10/08 03:30 AM #2    

Ola Hankins (Hooks)

Reunion Time:

So I know that the reunion is coming up and all this next year.

First of all, the date probably needs to be in June sometime. Not to early, but not to late either. People tend to get too busy during the later part of June b/c of the 4th coming up and all. So I was thinking, maybe the weekend of the 12-14th or the 19th-21st. The only reason I'm suggesting those weekends is because you probably won't get a bunch of people otherwise.

As far as where to have it, we need to book it somewhere that won't be expensive for everyone, but is a general location that we all know. I don't know how expensive it is to rent a ballroom at the new hotel downtown, but that is one option. The other option is contacting the principal of Lee now and asking whoever it is to open the building for at least one night so that we can use the gym for the reunion. That would be more cost effective.

If we're thinkin' about stuff to do for that weekend, whatever weekend it is, well here's just a few ideas:

1.) A dinner at a nice restaurant where everyone meets on the first night just to "get back in touch". Maybe Red Lobster or Olive Garden? If people want Southern food, Mary Bee's over on Atlanta Highway is great and she's a buffet, although I don't know the cost or times she's open.
2.) A bowling night: Don't know who likes bowling or not, but that's always a cool option. Especially if we do the cosmic bowling.
3.) Maybe a family fun day one of the days so that those of us with families and kids can have a little fun. Maybe the Zoo?
4.) What about driving to the river and renting the river boat? I don't know how much it is, but I do know that they do rent it. It's not in the best of shape, but I think a night out on the river might be fun (or a day). We could get snacks or have it catered. I know cost is probably going to be a big issue.
5.) What about doing something fun like going to Alabama Adventure? I know it's not as big as Six Flags, but it is a local theme park and I hear they have great rides and stuff. There's also the water park in Auburn. Just an idea or two too.
6.) Doing a fun day in the park for everyone would work too. People could sign up for what they're going to bring and we could do a big cook out and rent a pavillion or two at one of the parks in Montgomery.

I'm gonna stop now. It's really early in the morning and I could keep goin'. These are just some thoughts I had.

Let me know if ya need any more or want any help. I may be in Tuscaloosa, but I'm a great planner!

Ola Sharai

By the way, don't forget to somehow get in touch with teachers from back then. I'm sure they'd want to know about the site and the plans. Although I don't know how we'd go about doin' that!

09/25/08 12:54 AM #3    

Kim Sayles

Great ideas!!

09/30/08 01:07 PM #4    

Dawn Evans

well fellow classmates...Xavier has asked for photos so I'm sending him bunches!!! I can't believe I had so many put away! It's a little bit of everyone from mock homecoming (oh my is all I can say)to prom and even some from around the enjoy and laugh because I sure did!

10/03/08 01:56 PM #5    

Ola Hankins (Hooks)

Hey! Thanks Kim! I love coming up with ideas! And I hoped they helped the committee some! I can come up with more if I need to as well! Just let me know! ;0)

And geeze! Those pictures look ancient now! LOL! Talk about a blast from the past! And did we really make our senior prom "Party Like It's 1999"?! LOL! Were we that dorky?! Hehe!

Hey, if anyone has some pics of the choir and theater folks, if ya wouldn't mind send 'em to Xavier or Leslie so they can be put up. I would, but I don't think I have any from back then. (Other than what's in the yearbook.)

Man, if I only knew back then what I knew now! I so would've cut loose and had some fun! Or at least more than I had anyway! (And there were some of you who tried to make me too!) ;0)

10/03/08 02:48 PM #6    

Jacqueline Hill (Flemming)

The pictures had me rolling. Well I know Jessica has pics someone get at her :)

10/05/08 10:48 PM #7    

Erica Sims

The music and the pics really took me back to our days at Robert E. Lee!

10/06/08 09:48 AM #8    

Jessica Cook (Mims)

Jackie, I can pull the pics out from Goodwyn if you want me to and we can REALLY laugh! Oh the dance team days....we thought we were so cool!!!!

10/10/08 03:52 PM #9    

Jeremy Eakin

I have some good ones from the cruise that I will try and get on here soon.

10/10/08 05:41 PM #10    

Brandon Morehouse

I have a ton of them from the cruise and then from Mock Homecoming. I've been wanting to scan those and get them on my computer. I guess now is a good time to do it.

10/11/08 12:44 PM #11    

Amy Barnes (Dobbs)

wow.. the music really took me back!!

10/12/08 04:28 PM #12    

Dawn Evans

OOOKKKK! I was just checking out the new playlist...yes it took me wayyyyyyy the days with no bills, car notes, house notes, would say kids but I still have none of those we gonna have fun at this reunion!

11/13/08 09:37 AM #13    

Jessica Cook (Mims)

I can vouch for MySpace in 1999 issue. I work with the guy that "originally" helped launch it 10 years ago. He does contract work with me. Lives in LA-"loaded!"

12/04/08 11:26 PM #14    

Kim Sayles

JESSICA!!! Hook me up! Just kidding. Ha Ha

12/19/08 08:38 AM #15    

Erica Sims

I am so ready for our class reunion! Class of 1999 All Day!

12/23/08 11:58 AM #16    

Jessica Cook (Mims)

Kim-He's old and rich or not-you wouldn't want to go there, trust me!!!

12/31/08 11:10 PM #17    

Erica Sims

Happy New Year's to everyone!

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