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•   Paul Czajkowski  8/18
•   Leroy Little  9/2
•   Wilton Calderon (Calderon)  12/23
•   Kai Chen  7/2
•   Jamie Reidy  10/3
•   Rich Harrington  10/1
•   William Carraher  9/30
•   Rob Healy  9/25
•   Augie Hoffmann  9/25
•   Tracey Taylor  9/25
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4 live in California
2 live in Colorado
4 live in Connecticut
1 lives in Delaware
1 lives in Georgia
2 live in Illinois
2 live in Louisiana
3 live in Maryland
3 live in Massachusetts
70 live in New Jersey
45 live in New York
2 live in North Carolina
2 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in Virginia
2 live in Washington
10 location unknown


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Final Reunion Update: October 25th, 2013 3:30pm

Look forward to seeing a lot of you tomorrow - I've spoken to a bunch of guys who are either going to the game, or planning on meeting up tomorrow afternoon/evening, or both... and I know thru the grapevine there are others who are planning on doing the same, so we should have a good group tomorrow and we'll have a lot of laughs for sure...

I'll be over at the game at about 11:30ish - if you are there hit me on my cell 914.523.4101 and we'll hook up ... Jamie Reidy will be there a little earlier and I know Rob Downes will be there a bit after me, so we will all try and meet up.

Then afterwards a bunch of folks said the Fire & Oak bar down the street from the school (adjacent to the Marriott Courtyard on Chestnut Ridge Road - is a better spot for us to call home base, so that is the spot for after the game, etc. Some guys will be heading right there from the game ... others (myself most likely included) will have to drop the kids off, etc. and will head there a tad bit later.

But that is the plan, whenever you can get there, people will be there.

So that's the plan - hope to see as many as you as can make it, even if it's only for a little while.

See you tomorrow ...



September 2013




Hope this note finds you well! It’s hard to believe that it’s now approaching 25 years since we graduated from high school, unbelievable …


So naturally it’s a good reason to get together again and have a few laughs …


As you may have read, our reunion is set for Saturday October 26th, 2013 … the football team takes on Paramus Catholic at 1:00pm, the first game on the resurfaced turf at the school … for everyone around and available we’ll take in the game, and then we’ll rendezvous that night around 7:30ish at a local pub – we’ll firm that up as we get closer to the date, was thinking about The Porterhouse in Montvale … but if you guys have other ideas of other places in the area, please let me know … the last time we did a room at the Marriott but for this one we’ll just pick a spot with a good bar, a lot of room, and we’ll just run a tab for drinks and snacks, make it easy on everyone.


So for now, please check and mark your calendars for Saturday October 26th, 2013 … hope you can make it, please sign on to the site and let us know what’s been up and if you can make it (click on the 25 Year Reunion box on the top left hand side of the page to do so) … and please check the list on there and forward to anyone we may have missed.




Any question, please call Chris Sheehan, he’s the Reunion Committee Secretary … :)


Hope to see you next month…


Rob Healy


PS: If you are around this Friday night (9/27/2013) there is a pep rally at the school for the big game with Bergen Catholic this weekend … check the school site for details if you are interested. 
