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•   John Grissinger  12/5
•   Scott Bertrand  12/5
•   Ward Brown  12/5
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•   Rocke Verser  8/3
•   Kathy R Gromer MD  7/29
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•   Sherry Swisher (Hemphill)  5/10
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1 lives in Armed Forces Pacific
2 live in California
9 live in Colorado
35 live in Kansas
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
3 live in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
56 location unknown


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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 51.7%

A:   60   Joined
B:   56   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Class Of 1976

Welcome to the Moore Hall 8th Floor web site. Mark your calendar for Saturday August 3,2019 for the third 8th Floor Moore Hall Reunion. The headquarter hotel is the Four Points by Sheraton (same hotel as the last 2 reunions) located at 530 Richards Drive. For more information click on 8th Floor Reunion on the left side of this screen.


The 2009 reunion made the fall edition of the Alumni Association's K-Stater Magazine.  The scanned versions of the article and additional picture are in the drop site.  Click to open the file, then click on the icon in the upper right-hand corner of the new window to view the full-sized version of the page. 



Those of us who are on Facebook started a discussion yesterday about the 2022 reunion. It was mentioned that it would be fun to stay on 8th floor Moore this time, so I checked into it and it's very possible to make this happen. The reunion will take place from August 5-7, 2022. If you're interested in attending, please also provide some input on the idea of staying in the dorm for the weekend. The following is the email I received from the man in K-State's Housing and Dining who can make this happen for us:

It's great that you're planning the reunion. I was a Haymaker 4 resident. For most years since the early 1980s, we've had an annual reunion, and they've been great fun. Our latest one was on 9/11/21, a Football Saturday.

Now... 46 years x 71 residents = about 3,200, but I doubt you'll have quite that many able to make it. If they are, what a story that will be! It would be standing room only in area establishments.

While June is our busiest month for summer camps and conferences, we always have some groups in the early days of August. I think it will partly come down to how many you need space for. Currently, excluding the lobby RA room, there are 70 beds on Moore 8. Maybe the early birds can stay in their old rooms, and the others could be accommodated elsewhere in Moore.

I do need to point out that eight months out, I'm not in a position to guarantee placement. At some point, the management team will inform me on what buildings are available for the summer. Construction projects, dining center availability, etc. affect placement.

Generally, for a large group, there is a conference sponsor, who collects the fees and names of attendees, and ultimately is invoiced for the entire group.

One of the details that will need to be considered is bathroom usage. As you'll recall, there's one bathroom per corridor, so the logistics of that will need to be planned. Also, Moore Hall doesn't have suites, so what about children, etc.?

Our summer camps commonly have strangers rooming together. We have spreadsheets we send to sponsors, so they can return them with room assignments, as negotiated with participants. I'd imagine that some old friends will ask to room together, while you, the sponsor, might assign others as roommates.

Single rooms are available, at a higher rate. Rates for 2022 aren't set yet. For 2021, adult double rooms were $30 per-person, per night, and singles were $37 per night. Rates will probably a bit higher than what I just listed.

It appears that the first day of classes for fall 2022 is August 22, so there ought to be sufficient time for an event in early August.

To close, I'll just repeat that I interact with sponsors on hall and floor assignments, based on the halls the management team allocate to me each summer, and that may not be finalized for a while.

Thanks for your interest!

David Yoder

coordinator for conferences

If you have any questions about the reunion or the website please call Greg Henderson at (785)531-0063 or e-mail or Harvey Marken at (913)205-7648 or e-mail