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•   Joseph Koziol  3/17
•   Lady Rouen Sterling  8/1
•   Paul Manor  6/9
•   Kristine Evans (Irwin)  7/14
•   Rob Harris  6/27
•   Rick LaGrave  6/25
•   Jorge Medel  6/12
•   Ronda Keadle (Durano)  6/8
•   Steven Pifer  6/3
•   Tracy Cuda  5/21
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

3 live in Alaska
1 lives in Arizona
13 live in California
3 live in Colorado
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
12 live in Idaho
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Maine
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
2 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Oklahoma
9 live in Oregon
2 live in Texas
3 live in Utah
1 lives in Virginia
154 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Malaysia
1 lives in Norway
1 lives in Senegal
1 lives in United Kingdom
105 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 66.6%

A:   225   Joined
B:   113   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome to the Moses Lake High School Class of 1989 official website. We have chosen a date for our 30th Class Reunion.  Reserve the weekend of July 20 -21, 2019 to reconnect with your classmates.  More information to come.....


If you are on FACEBOOK, you can also get information on the Moses Lake High School Class of 1989 group page.  


Thanks to those of you who have already donated to the Class Reunion.  It is very much appreciated!  You can still donate by writing a check, but we now have an easier way to donate via PayPal!   This account will also be used once we start taking payments for the weekend.  Thanks again, The Reunion Committee (Title is Cobie Hansen)


Class of 1989 – 30 Year Reunion

Schedule of Events
Friday, July 19th
4pm - Chicos opens (plan to wait awhile for your order) - no host
6pm - Sporty's after Dinner (no host)
Saturday, July 20th
Daytime - TBD - Plan your own activities:  Golf, Wine or Beer tasting, boating, bowling, etc
Pillar Rock at Moses Lake Golf and Country Club
5:30pm - no host Happy Hour
6:30pm - Dinner Buffet - RSVP and payment no later than July 10th
7:30pm - Group Picture
7:30 - 11:30pm - Dancing, socializing
Sunday, July 21st
Optional gathering at Park for those still in town. Bring a picnic and enjoy the sunny Moses Lake weather.
Looking forward to a fantastic weekend! 
The Reunion Committee 

For those of you needing hotels, room blocks have been reserved under MLHS Class of 89 Reunion:
-Ramada, 1745 Kittleson Rd., 509-766-1000, $118/night 
-Wingate, 1735 Kittleson Rd., 509-766-2000,$135.99/night 
-Ten Pin Inn, 1157 Stratford Rd., 509-764-7500, $95/night
