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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Please help me support this important site (if you can), in order to help keep it free for everyone.  There are monthly minimum subscription fees, domain name charges, and third-party application fees...along with many hours of maintenence.  In return, I will try and make sure this unique site stays active and current for all of us to enjoy and participate in.  If you would like to support this website please click the "Donate" button below. Donations can be made through PayPal or with a regular credit card using this link even if you do not use Paypal.  Thank you everyone! ~Tom Smith

John F Kennedy High School
Class Of 1969

Now that you have joined this unique site, try and think of other classmates that haven't yet signed in and send them an invitation.  If you know their email address just type it into the text box in the "Missing Classmates" section located on this Home page.  This will generate an invite for them to join and participate.  Let's make this site active with more from our own class who attended John F. Kennedy High School during the years of 1966 to 1969.  If you have any other suggestions, drop us a note.