
An investment in knowledge always pays the best dividends.”

  Benjamin Franklin


Twenty years after the Class of 1972 left Mountain Brook High School, several concerned and visionary citizens established the Mountain Brook City Schools Foundation. Those individuals recognized the need to find a way to overcome the shortfall of state and federal education dollars on a long term basis. Hence they raised money that went into an endowment that will go on benefiting the Mountain Brook Schools for years to come. With a mission to mobilize community support and resources for the academic improvement of the school system, the foundation has given back over $4.4 million to the schools and focused those dollars in the areas of technology, staff development and library enhancement.

Members of the Class of 1972 have played vital roles in the success of the foundation by organizing the board, developing the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws, serving on the board, serving as officers of the board, heading up fundraising campaigns, and donating their time and treasure. We are extremely grateful for all that has been done by your class.

Now we are asking you to help again by making a donation to the foundation in celebration of your 40th Reunion. Some of you spent thirteen years in the Mountain Brook Schools and received a private school quality education in a public school setting. We hope that you will consider a contribution as a part of your reunion to say thanks for that education and to help us continue the level of excellence that is a tradition in Mountain Brook Schools. Any donation will make a difference and all donations are appreciated greatly.
