Classmate Profiles

     Contains profile information: 28
     Profile contains photos: 8


Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 28    Newest Members: 28  

Lee Alm
Rhian Amber  
Chris Atkins  
Darren Bailey
Emma Bennett
Sarah Bennett
Mike Bevan
Steve Bevan
Guy Billen
Owen Blackmore  
Jenny Bowen
Ruth Bowen
Nick Bridger
Michael Broadhurst
Leah Brown (Davies)
Jonathan Carr
Gareth Carter
Stephanie Caulfield (Pritchard)
Shan Cooper (Humphries)
Laura Copp
Gavin Cosgrove  
Karl Court
Gavin Davies  
Geraint Davies
Leanne Davies
Ross Davies
Jessica Day
Steven Day
Martin Duffy
Clair Edwards
Lee Edwards
Mike Edwards
Rachel Eva
Claire Evans
Gareth Evans
Kate Francis
Maria Francis
Rob Gale
Pinder Gill   
Leah Godsall
Neil Gould
Tom Goule
Margaret Gowmon
Andrew Griffiths
Delyth Griffiths
Nia Griffiths
Helen Hamer (Kerswell)   
Matthew Hardman  
Rachel Harris
Rhidian Hart
Barry Herdman
Christopher Hughes  
David Hughes
Maria Hughes
Andrew Hutchings
Gavin Ifold
Andriana James
Bethan James
Catherine James
Emma James
Hayley James
Leanne James
Catherine James Llewellyn
Ceri Jenkins
Hayley Jones  
Caren Keenan (Powell)
Hayley Lake Jones
Caroline Lambert
Gregory Langdon
Christian Lewis
Julia Lewis
Kathryn Llewellyn
Ross Lynn
Leigh Mackie
Louise Maggs  
Darren Martin  
Rhian Martins
Claire Mayer
Louise Mcphail
Krista Mead
Carl Morgan
Edward Morgan (Morgan)   
Emma Morgan
Kelly Morgan (Hitchings)   
Ceri Morris (Discombe)   
Rhys Morris
Warren Morris
Helen Mountford  
Jenny Muir (Williams)  
Lisa Nation
Jeff Page
Mags Parks  
Cheryl Perring
Gregg Phillips
Donna~Jo Pike (Davies)  
Charlotte Pool
Leanne Potter
Chris Price
Hayley Pritchard
Kate Ralph
Michael Ralph
Maria Ramm
Dean Rees
Joe Rees
Marie Rees
Michelle Rees
Richard Rees
Mark Roberts
Catherine Robinson  
Helen Rosser
Laura Jane Rosser
Gary Rossiter
Gareth Ruddock
Stuart Rundle
Rebecca Rushton
Annmarie Sayer
Helen Sims
Johnny Sims  
Andrew Slee
Caroline Slocombe
Lloyd Smith
Neil Smith
Fiona Thisby
Carwyn Thomas
Catherine Thomas
Helen Thomas
Justin Thomas
Karren Thomas
Neil Thomas
Richard 'Worm' Thomas  
Victoria Thomas
Sarah Louise Tippings
Alan Topper
Rachael Tristram
Michelle Truman  
Rebecca Tuck (Davies)  
Ashley Waldron
Joanne Watts (Cooper)   
Steven Webb
Samantha Wilcox   
Ceri Williams
Geraint Williams
Paul Williams  
Shelly Williams
Leah Winter
Tracie Yarnton   

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