Not a member?
Find and click on your name.


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 51.6%
A:   328   Joined
B:   308   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Reunion 2023 Dec 15 Update
- Sep 25, 2023 - Terri emailed the Group Photos taken by husband Rob...
"Well, wasn’t that a party!  It was great to see everyone having such a fun time and we are forever thankful that the weather worked out for us!

Attached are the class pictures and I think the streetcar turned out as a beautiful backdrop.  I am including two pictures of each year, leaving it up to individuals to select which one you want to print as your keepsake.  (Class of 1971, it looks like you were photo bombed.)"

- Dec 15, 2023 - If you didn't receive the email (we've got a few queries so that seems to have happened), you can find the photos at *Past Reunions -> *50th Reunion 2023 submenu (or click on link).

The photos will be shared on our "LV Rogers Class of 1969, 1970, 1971 and Friends" Facebook Group.


Reunion 2023 Sept 12 Update
- Look for the latest list of registrants (as of Sep 12, 2023) posted on the Reunion Forum
  (there could be an error which I'll fix when I hear from Joy our registrar).
- Can't attend?  Send comments/stories to be read at the reunion via email to Jack Chambers at (
- Share a video message to be posted on the Reunion website?
  Contact Allen via email or leave message here on Reunion website.

Reunion 2023 August 29 Update
- Registration opened to from years other than 1969, 1970 and 1971 (limited # spots available).
- Registration Closes Sep 1, 2023.
- Paid registrants as of Aug 18, 2023 posted on Forum (update).
- Alumni who cannot attend are encouraged to send comments & stories to Jack Chambers (email).
- If you make a video message to the grad group, we'll post on the Reunion Website.  Please contact Allen via email or Message here on the Reunion website, if you have questions about this.

Reunion 2023 July 31 Update
We have great news! Interest in the reunion has exceeded our expectation and is close to our allowable capacity.  If you are thinking about attending and have not yet registered, now is the time!  We have been receiving requests from other class years to attend, so we will be accepting their registrations after August 17th.  Register as soon as possible if you want to ensure attendance!


We are fast approaching the September event, so we are now into the fine details and this includes you!

Volunteers are required at the events and your hard working Reunion committee of seven needs your help!. Hopefully, some of you can help out in a variety of areas over the two day events:

The registration desk is where all the initial action will be, so we will need about six to eight volunteers.   This is a great opportunity to meet with old classmates and friends as they arrive to check in; we’ve been told that it’s a fun place to be.  (approx. 1 hr per group.)

* A couple of volunteers to hand out lunch tickets at the barbeque to the registered guests as they check in. This too will be a great place to connect with people you may not have seen the night before.  (approx. 1/2 - 1 hr.)

* Help with ensuring that tables at the Rotary Shelter are set properly for the barbeque. (approx 1/2 hr.)

If you can help out in any way, please contact Pat Keegan at

69/70/71 Reunion 2023 June Update
Hello Everyone!  A list of attendees as of June 12, 2023 is posted on the Message Forum under "Reunion 2023 Committee"... please scroll to the latest update.


69/70/71 Reunion 2023 Update

Hello Everyone!

We are excited to report that registrations for our September reunion are coming in quickly and that we have 91 people registered so far!  Remember, this Reunion Committee will not move forward with planning anymore reunions, so this might be your last chance to attend one!

Thank you to those who have e-transferred their registration fee, it has made the system more streamlined for our dedicated treasurer, Joy (although, we do still appreciate cheques, if people are not set up to e-transfer).  A suggestion, Joy has made is, if the email name for your e-transfer is different than the name you registered with, could you please make a note on your JotForm; it makes connecting your registration with your payment easier to accept in the LVR account.

Also, for those of you who want to know which classmates and old friends will be attending, we plan to post the list of names.  However, before, we do this, we invite those who DO NOT want their names on the list, to let us know prior to May 15th. We will probably post the list again in July, so for those who have not yet registered, please indicate on your JotForm* if you DO NOT want your name listed.

*Note: If you submitted a JotForm previously, add your "don't list my name" preference as a comment on the original (use the link on your JotForm emaily reply) -- please don't submit a new JotForm.

Reunion Committee


L. V. Rogers Class of
1969, 1970 and 1971 & Friends

(click here for PDF version)
(click here or on the letter for larger image version)

CLICK on this line or
SCAN (phone cam) the QR Code below


QR Code for Jotform form

- The registration form will come up in a new window.
- After completing the form, don't forget to press Submit.
- After it has been submitted, a Thank You screen will appear.
- Check your email for a submission confirmation (remember to check your junk folder)
- Please remember to pay your registration fee[s] ASAP (deadline is July 31st) using Interac eTransfer (preferred ) or by mailing in your cheque.  First come, first served.

*** UPDATE April 5/2023 -- Reunion 2023 attendees staying at the Prestige Lakeside Resort, can get 15%  discount on your room, by making your reservation by calling (250) 352-7222 *directly*.   The discount applies to the Prestige Lakeside Resort and not the Prestige Inn on Front Street. ***


Dec. 28, 2019 - Terry Vulcano Class of 1970
Black Rose Writing, out of Texas, has published my stories of adventure, animal encounters and addressing environmental issues as the Belize Chronicles (1991-1995), available at Amazon.

Royalties go to the Belize Zoo. Excerpts and visuals from a powerpoint presentation may be found at

Dec. 18, 2016 - Colin Henthorne (Class of 1971)
"No. 3 this week on the... VANCOUVER SUN: B.C. 15 BEST BOOKS OF THE WEEK, DECEMBER 17"

Harbour Publishing - The Queen of the North Disaster - The Captain's Story 

Amazon - The Queen of the North Disaster



June 4, 2015 Helen (Dowkes) Dyck (Class of 1970)

Hi all, I'm finally a published author - How to heal from a Lifetime of Darkness. Can be seen/previewed on Amazon. Hope to see a lot of you at next reunion.... Helen

Amazon - How to heal from a Lifetime of Darkness
Google Books - How to heal from a Lifetime of Darkness



Hi alumni, if you are concerned that MOT wants to move the Kootenay Lake Ferry Terminal from it's present location at Balfour to Queen's Bay, then check out the website at CHOOSEFALFOUR.COM (or click on the image above)

"Welcome to the Ferry Landing Partnership. The Queens Bay Residents' Association and the Balfour Ferry Business Coalition are uniting to keep the Balfour Ferry Landing in Balfour. Members of this partnership are working together to show that Balfour is the best choice for a ferry terminal on Kootenay Lake - economically, socially, environmentally & logistically."

On Facebook: CHOOSE BALFOUR.    [Thanks to Judy Beauchamp]



Our Facebook Group Photo at the 40th Reunion
{Click on the picture for a larger image]

facebook Our reunion group
LV Rogers Class of 69-70-71

Other years, check
L.V. Rogers Secondary