Classmate Profiles (1954)

     User has created a profile: 12
     Profile contains photos: 2
     In Memory: 4
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 3
     Military Service: 2
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Sidney Amburgey    
Ruth Ashcraft
Joe J. Bates    
Betty Jo Belcher   
William R. Bentley    
Regina Browning
Dorothy Carrello (McCullum)  
Betty Sue Correll (Vencill)  
Barbara Garrett (Holland)  
Roberta Haddix (Kincer)    
Marlene Hall (Williams)    
Cora Hileman (Quillen)
Walter Hughes    
Raymond Isaacs   
Betty Kincer
Jerry Kincer    
Jacob King
Reba Lewis (Cook)  
Paul Patrick
Barbara Pittman (Whenal)  
Wanda Sanders
Bill Taylor
Audrey Webb (Kincer)  
Sue Ellen Webb (Murphy)  
Peggy Wells

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