Classmate Profiles (1956)

     User has created a profile: 16
     Profile contains photos: 3
     In Memory: 8
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 6
     Military Service: 5
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Martha Marie Abdoo    
Janice Anderson
Mary Anderson
Shirley Anderson (Singleton)  
Cordell Baker
Shirley Jean Belcher   
Barbara Bentley
Georgia Bentley (Starry)    
Janice Nell Bentley
Jeanette Bentley
Samuel Elbert Bentley   
Wanda Bostain (Hall)   
Eddie Brown
Jimmy Burchwell
Eleanor Burns (Bentley)
Marie Callihan
Patsy Collier (Daner)   
Joyce Compton
Audrey Cook    
Bobby Cook
Glenna Cornett
James Elkins
Pauline Fleming (Martin)   
Bobby Gish
Wilma Goodman
Bonnie Hall (Collins)  
Doris Hall
Georgia Hall
Thelma Hampton
Bobby Hileman  
Nadine Holland
Bobby Hooper    
Roy Isaacs
June Johnson
Shirley Jo Johnson
Velma Johnson
Lawrence Kuhl   
Betty Lark
Donna Sue Lewis
Mary Masterson
Loretta Murphy
James Pass
J. B. Patrick
Nancy Pigman
Bruce Polly
Bert Potter    
Edith Quillen
Connie Reed    
Josephine Rogers (Richardson)    
Bobby Sexton    
Bobby Smith
Harry Smith (Smith)    
Sue Stapleton
Anna Faye Stidham
L. C. Thompson
Alice Tilley
Bessie Tilley (Tibbs)   
Felix Venters
Thomas Waddell, Jr.    
Nancy Warf (Manning)  
Sammie Warf
Minnie Katherine Webb (Worley)  
Thelma Webb
Ruby White
Neal Wormsley     
Claude Wright
Geraldine Wright
Polly Wright (Bittrich)   
Dillie Dove Yonts

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