Classmate Profiles (1959)

     User has created a profile: 20
     Profile contains photos: 7
     In Memory: 3
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 3
     Military Service: 2
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Georgle Ables
Aubrey Addington
Nancy Anderson (Mc Coy)   
Johnny Bentley  
Elizabeth Boyd (Ward)   
Linda Champion (Stafford)    
Walter Cornett
Everette G. "Buddy" Cox    
James E. "Sonny" Cox
Jimmy Craft
Linda Dingus (Sexton)
Ernestene Hall (Bentley)  
Eyvonne Jean Hall (Husk)    
Faye Hall (Davis)  
Jean Hall
Sonja Carol Hayes    
Jeanette Johnson
Mike Johnson  
Larry G. Jones     
Jimmy (Jim) Kincer
David Ladd
Barbara Little (Ritchie)    
Skeets Madison
Curtis Miller
Betty Nelson (Quillen)   
Linda Pass (Ayer)  
Anna Sue Patrick
Betty Phillips (Little)  
Phyllis Jeanette Potter    
Anne Quillen (Mcgeorge)  
Gary Sergent    
Kenneth Gabe Slusher   
Phyllis Smith (Brown)  
Janice Spears
Norma Spence (Grant)   
Obie Spicer, Jr.
Gwenda Leah Wright (Castle)  
Jackie R. Wright
Betty Annette Youngblood (Castle)   

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