In Memory

Gus Chilek

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07/17/08 03:58 PM #3    

Kristi Koehler (Squires)

I have to agree with Lory---when I picture Gus I see a water cooler right next to him. Does anyone have pictures of Gus that can be scanned and added to the site? I would love for more people to add comments on their memories. Then we can share the messages with his family.

07/17/08 09:31 PM #4    

Greg John

I remember when they painted his car with Krylon.


Miss ya Gus!

07/17/08 11:15 PM #5    

Shayner McBrearty

Couldn't have asked for a better person or a better trainer. I don't think I ever saw Gus in a bad mood or with a cross look on his face. He truely enjoyed athletics and it showed in his commitment to his work and the pride he showed in the team. Miss you Gus

07/22/08 10:52 AM #6    

Evan Endicott

I always remember Gus never complaing about anything. He was always helpful and fun to be around.

07/22/08 12:35 PM #7    

Darrell Rich

Unfortunately, Gus had to tape me up quite a few times. His dedication to doing the job correctly was amazing, as was his willingness to learn and adapt so that he could do the job better. He was always part of the team.

07/22/08 01:48 PM #8    

Ron Gardner

I remember Gus in Physics class (or as Foitik pronouced his name, "Mr. Cheelek"). He always had that smile on his face, even if it was at times bemused from trying to figure out which piece of his car would turn up on his desk that day. But he was always a really good sport about it, and knew that it was just harmless shenanigans.

We'll raise a toast to you that weekend, Gus. Hope you're looking down on us with that same smile.

07/23/08 11:44 AM #9    

John Rex

I actually got to know Gus at St. Peter & Paul Catholic School when we were both in middle school. I later transferred to Canyon Middle School and then was reunited with Gus at Canyon High School. Gus was a smart, caring person. He was always looking out for others and as everyone has mentioned, he always had a smile on his face. He loved to joke and I always remember him having nothing but great things to say about people. He was also mischievous and loved playing pranks on people. He was a good person with a huge heart.

08/02/08 09:45 AM #10    

Rachel Caballero (Forberger)

When I think of Gus, I remember his warm, casual smile. He had a way of making you comfortable. He could hurry up when he had to, but he had a way of making it look easy. I was speaking to a former classmate the other day who said that he didn't remember many from high school, maybe 10 people, but that Gus was one he remembered for being kind and being a friend to everyone. Sorry you can't be with us Gus. You will be missed. We know God is with you.


08/05/08 10:47 AM #11    

Dwayne Tschoepe (Henry)

Many knew Gus better than I, but what I do remember about Gus is that every time I spoke with him, he made me feel like we were the closest of friends. I suspect that most people who had the lucky pleasure of interacting with Gus have had similar experiences.

There are certain people who have what my wife and I call "that thing." It's a kind-of nobility; a glowing peace that's ovious to everyone. It's hard to describe except by example. Gus was the perfect example.

08/11/08 03:21 PM #12    

Thomas Villanueva

Gus, you left us much too soon. You are missed buddy.

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