In Memory

Peter Hall

Peter Hall

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04/07/20 05:11 PM #1    

Jackie Anderson

It should come as no surprise even to those who didn't know him well in high school that, long before his senseless accidental death, Peter was widely respected as a giant in his chosen branch of U.S. history as a teacher, indefatigueable researcher and eloquent author; and I am convinced that his later work, had he intended it to, would have caught the attention of a far wider audience.  I have never known anyone who had a more clear grasp of how things actually happen in the world of human affairs, or could articulate it more clearly.  As his widow, Kathryn, observed, "every day with Peter was a salon."  He was also a warm, good hearted guy, a pillar of his community, a devoted parent of four children, wickedly funny, and a damn good old timey banjo picker.

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