Classmate Profiles

     Contains profile information: 17
     Profile contains photos: 4
     In Memory: 13
     Military Service: 4
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Jim Angers
Carl Armentor  
Peeble Aucoin
Art Babineaux
Lloyd Babineaux
Chris Balridge
Marvis Barras
James Benjamin
Buddy Bernard
Pat Berry
Joey Beslin
P. Bevis
Arnold Bonnette
Jimmy Borel
Wilson Boudreaux
T. Bourque
J. Bouton
David Breaux
Gordon Breaux
David Broussard
Dwyer Broussard
Happy Broussard
Mike Buford (Buford)    
Bob Bulliard
Ronnie Cambre  
Donnie Champeaux
D Cocks
Mike Conde  
Sammy Cosper  
J. Custer
R. David
Cyrus DeBlanc   
Rene Delahoussaye   
Chuck Delcambre   
Edward DeMahy
Richard Denison
Jim Dodd
Paul Doerle
Stephen Doumit
Joe DuBois   
Gene Duhe  
Grady Dumond
James Edmunds
Henri Escuriex   
Gerald Estorge
Danny Evans
Walter Fitch
Scotty Fleming  
Johnny Fountain     
Frank Garacci   
George Gaudin
Conway Geoffroy
Robert Gonsoulin
Russell Gonsoulin
Steve Gonzales
Karl Greig
Jerry Gremillion
Bruno Habetz
Pat Huckaby
Gregory Huline
Billy Hunter
Kent Hutsler  
Wesley Kern    
Charlie Kibbe   
Pat Killen    
Pat Landry
Joe Langston
Charlie Larroque     
William Lasseigne
Ted LeBlanc
Ira Marcotte
Leon Mayer
Dennis McBride
Gilbert McCroskey
Victor Musemeche
Mike Musso   
John Neill
Alvin Nurdin
Mike Olmsted
Daniel Orsot
Jeff Patout  
Rene Patout
Danny Patterson
Randy Patterson
Bob Pearson
Johnny Racheau  
John Pat Reynolds
Randall Rice
Bill Rich
Mike Robbins
Glenn Robichaux   
Joe Rochelle
Dean Romero  
Lynn Romero
Beeps Ryan  
Beaver Schwing
Mike Scott
Pat Scott
Allen Segura
James Segura
Kirk Segura
Richard Segura
Steve Shea  
Stewart Shea
Ron Shurtz
L. Sinitiere
Keith Sliman   
Robert Spiller
D Sputnik
Joe Standridge
Mike Talley
Wally Tauriac
John Theriot
George Trappey   
Deryl Veazey
Bud Viator
Glenn Voorhies  
Ken Waguespack
Hampton Watkins
Dean Wattigny   
Jim Wattigny
Chris Whitmire
E. Wilburn
Kicker Willis
Johnny Wormser
Weldon Yarbrough
Phillip Young
John Zimmer

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