In Memory

Deborah Lloyd VIEW PROFILE

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09/16/11 06:05 PM #1    

Sonja Petritsch

I have some wonderful memories of Debbie, we used to have so much fun together--she was always happy and bubbly. She loved going to the school dances and I also remember going to the summer, I think,  Friday nite dances at the Newark community center, where we were hoping to meet some cute boys. 

 A couple of summers I went with her on a very long horrible bus ride up to Clear Lake to visit her grandparents. We would fish, swim, waterski and hang out by the dock where the club house was, listening to the juke box and as usual hoping to meet some cute boys.  Always looking for boys, I think that was our favorite activity. She loved to water ski and was an avid bowler.  Our sophomore year, she convinced me to join her bowling team and inspite of my terrribly low average we managed to finish in 1st place because of her high average and our team mates high averages.

It was in our mid-twenties when Debbie started to struggle with her bowling, losing her balance and unable to hold the bowling ball and it was at that time that she was diagnosed with MS.  

Debbie had two children, a daughter, Julia, and a son J.C. 

In 1991, she became very ill and it was her last wish to spend one more Christmas with her children which she was able to do.  Debbie died of complications due to her MS on December 26, 1991.      

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