In Memory

Walter Sisneros VIEW PROFILE

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09/02/11 05:46 AM #1    

Anna Sullivan

Walter was a classmate and friend growing up.  I am sorry to see that he has passed on.  I will always remember his sweetness.  He was always happy and lifted me up constantly with his kind words and that beautiful smile with those big front teeth.  Rest in peace my friend!

Anna Esquibel

09/22/11 10:35 AM #2    

Esperanza Yarra (Finato)

Walter was a very dear friend of mine and was more like a brother to me.  I remember him
as being the type of person that would take his shirt off his back to help you. We shared
many great times together and I still can remember the day I heard of his passing. It still
makes my heart ache for such a loss... We all did stupid things when we were younger and 
we  all took many risks with our lives back then....

06/16/13 11:47 PM #3    

Glenda Scalise (Castillo)

Looking at the In Memory pages touches my soul deeply.  There were many that I only watched from afar, too afraid to try to become their friend, silent and secret crushes on others and never letting them know, and even those I can't even remember who they were by picture.  I pray all of them are resting peacefully, because I am no longer afraid to talk to you and I'll keep a list in my heart to tell you in the next life how special you were to me.

That said, Walter Sisneros was my VERY FIRST going steady boy friend.  He asked me to go steady with him the summer between eighth grade and becoming a freshman fo the class of 1971.  I still have the adjustable ring he gave me and a 5 x 7 kindergarden graduation picture he wrote on, starting in the middle and writing in circles all the way to the outside edges.  If you knew Walter, you know how small he wrote, so I can barely read it any more or count the number of times he wrote "I'll love you always and forever" in that circle.  He took me on my very first date, in a car (I couldn't believe my parents let me go), and we went to the Fremont Drive-in.  I don't remember the movie, but I do remember when he tried to move closer to the center of the front seat, reached his arm over to put it around me he accidently hit the wipers and water sprayed on the windshield and the wipers went crazy.  We both couldn't stop laughing for over an hour.  It made a nervous moment so much better!

We were together until Spring break, when my mom saw the B on my report card and decided it was time for us to break up so I could concentrate on picking the grade back up to an A.  I had to tell him, of course he didn't understand (to be honest, neither did I, but what my mom says goes back then).  My heart still breaks when I think of it.  I wish we could go to the movies one more time so I could hit the wipers this time and tell him how much I've continued to love him all these years.  Then, I'd exchange pictures of our spouses and kids.  Walter, I continue to love you, miss you, and always will.


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