In Memory

Teacher -Frank Merryman

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08/22/11 09:03 PM #1    

Teacher-Joan Hullin (Keith)

 It was with a great deal of sorrow I found the passing of Frank.  Frank and I started at NHS the same year.  He taught Freshmen and I was on the team with Woodke and Jensen for Junior History.  Frank and I became close friends going to Peter, Paul and Mary Concerts, Limelighters Concerts, and dancing at Bruce Waynes to Jefferson Airplane.  Frank was the best dancer I have ever danced with.  He used to come by my apartment and we would eat bisquik and talk about the day at school.  He cared deeply about kids.  I was hoping to talk him into joining me at the reunion for some "history" chats.  We had talked about for several hours  four years ago on the phone catching up on our lives.  We were planning a get together, but never quite got it together.  I did not know, and he never mentioned that he had Parkinson's Disease. Quite honestly, I was deeply saddened to learn that he had died.  I always cared for Frank and he for me.  To use an expression that is used today "he had my back" in many situations, and was always a "uncle" to my son when David was an infant.  I will miss him.

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