In Memory

Teacher -William Cook

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08/16/11 03:28 PM #1    

Kathleen (Kathy) Goularte (Buob)

Remembering Bill Cook takes me back to math class and stuggling. He would take time after class or after school to help me. I passed his class, barely, with his help. Then I found out the Bill and his wife Joan were into the Dickens faires in San Francisco and had a booth there. I would go up there with my sister, Rita and other friends. We had fun helping Bill and Joan with there booth. That is where I found how much fun it was to go to the Renaissance and Dickens faires. I have been going to the faires ever since. are never forgotten, Kathy Goularte Buob

09/05/11 10:22 PM #2    

Patricia Carlson (Hughes)

Bill was my 2nd cousin Joan's husband,so I knew them since I was a little kid.  Going to their house was so much fun, as I got to play with my favorite cousins. We would run around in the field behind their house, make forts, run around and play with all the neighbor kids. Occasionally Bill would bring out his clarinet and give us an improptu concert. He died about 10 years ago. He had a liver transplant about 5 yrs before he died. Unknown to him he had some cancer cells floating around in his bilary tract,  so when he got on the anti-rejection drugs they caused the cells to grow and he died of cancer, I think in the transplanted liver. He said a few months before he died: " darn it, just when I was starting to get my golf swing perfected! "  He is buried in Fremont, in the cemetary off Chapel way, along with Joan. They are very much missed.

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