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•   Tamara LaFond (Hines)  5/30
•   Sheila Bridges (Caswell)  5/11
•   Frank (John) Suriano  4/25
•   Todd Berry  3/25
•   Mark Dean  3/3
•   Marcella Hollingshead (Barker)  2/25
•   Jeffrey McClain  2/22
•   Kevin Rovenko  1/6
•   Nina Bijarro (Madden)  1/1
•   Page Leazier  12/26
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1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in California
29 live in Michigan
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Virginia
2 live in Wisconsin
36 location unknown


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Welcome to the Newberry High School Class Of 1988 web site. Add any additional home page content here...


Well, we did it!  We all survived the 20 year reunion!  I think fun was had by all.  I will keep you updated on how much extra money was collected to be donated in Colby's memory.

Thanks to everyone!



Hello everyone!

Here's the plan:

NHS Class of 1988 reunion is December 27, 2008 at the Elks Lodge in Newberry beginning at 7pm.  The cost is $10 per person/$20 per couple.  We'll just take the money at the door that night.  You can pre-pay if you want, but not necessary.  Any leftover money will be donated to the TAS Music Department by the Class of 1988 in  memory of Colby Trinka.  They are raising money to buy new curtains/drapes and a sound system for the auditorium.  If you cannot attend, but would like to donate money in Colby's name, please let me know.  You can mail it to me directly or to the school.

We decided that our class was pretty easy going, pretty laid-back.  So no fancy reunion for us!  We're gonna have appetizers, cash bar and have people bring their IPODS for music.  So make your 1980's playlist and we'll jam!  (I already have mine, thanks to my hubby)!  If someone wants to volunteer to be the Master/Mistress of Ceremonies and speak, etc....let me know.  

If you'd like to foward pictures to me, or make your own collage of  memories of elementary school and high school, we'll have a table for them at the reunion.  If you can't attend and want to share memories, pics or your life story from the past 20 years, post it on this reunion webboard or email me and we'll be sure everyone can see it.  Right now,we have probably about 1/2 the class attending.  If you were suppose to graduate with us and didn't for some reason, we'd love to have you join us.  Just let us know!

We understand with the holidays, family commitments and work, not everyone can be here.  But please share with us what's been going on with you.  It's been great meeting with classmates and sharing memories (as well as a few drinks) and catching up.  Many of you probably think that since a lot of us live in Newberry that we hang out, run into each other........BUT WE DON'T!  We all have busy lives with work and families.  This is a great time around the holidays to reminisce about the "good ole days" and catch up with each other's lives.  Please keep in touch.  Let me know if there is anything else you need to know and we hope to see many of you there.

Happy Thanksgiving,

The Reunion Committee:

Kelly Davis Hetrick

Traci Bragan Leveille

Scott Pillion

Andrea Hill Marsh