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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

14 live in Alabama
1 lives in Alaska
1 lives in Arizona
3 live in Arkansas
1 lives in Armed Forces Europe
1 lives in Armed Forces Pacific
7 live in California
6 live in Colorado
86 live in Florida
10 live in Georgia
1 lives in Illinois
2 live in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
4 live in Kentucky
4 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
2 live in Minnesota
2 live in Mississippi
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in Nevada
3 live in New York
5 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
3 live in South Carolina
5 live in Tennessee
6 live in Texas
4 live in Utah
8 live in Virginia
4 live in Washington
2 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Japan
1 lives in United Kingdom
201 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


•   Leslie Cooper (Dugan)  9/19
•   James Johnson  9/20
•   Connie Ortiz (Smith)  9/20
•   Shonda Edens (Marley)  9/23
•   Michelle Mould (Cooper)  9/23
•   Andrea Kerr (Eddy)  9/24
•   Justin Garrett  9/26
•   Andrew Hazlett  9/28
•   Richard Johns  9/29
•   Cindy Jackson (Pufahl)  9/30
•   Marcus France  10/6
•   Brenda Frazee (Biesenthal)  10/6
•   Ariane Danzer (Baatz)  10/7
•   Heather Sokolowski (Urias)  10/10
•   Danielle Walker (Merfeld)  10/11
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