





Reunion Photos

Front - Carol Jones McLemore - Ruth Sanderson Sisson - Connie Greathouse Johnson - Lori Englland Barta - Janice Anderson Coons   Middle - Mark Zimmerman - Jamie Jones Arneson - Tracy Hoyle Plum - Deana Dove Thompson    Back  Gary Kretzer - Carl King - Rick Pitts - Glenn Sies

Tracy Glidden - Jodi Dull - Deanna Sies and her daughter Jordan
Front - Tammy Barton Hoskinson - Ruth Mezger Urban  Middle - Karel Schroeder King    Back Connie Mehl - Gene Mehl - Lynette Barton Quint - Dianne (Dee Dee) Willms Jones - Jeff Taylor Joe Reed and Karolyn Stimatze Moore
Front - Karen Stiggens Gillette - Katrina Harbacek Drummond - Tammy Barton Hoskinson - Deanna Barnes Sies - Debbie Dunsworth Guzjeki  Middle - Dalyne Drouhard Pitts Janelle Drouhard Junk - Keith Emmerich - Bruce Bergstrom - Darcy Dunsworth - Karolyn Stimaze Moore - Gary Barnes - Mike Bates   Back - Mark Zimmerman - Steve Junk - Robert Junk - Steve Lawson - Greg Hoskinson - Kris Emmerich - Barry Law - Brad Burnette - RF Casek - Mike Dirks Carl King - Greg Hoskinson - Steve Jones

Sorry I didn't get a good one of South Hutch  - I will try to find a better one.

Front - Leota Dye - Chris Allen Brummer - ? -  Sue Wray Carls (back of) June Baker Laird - Nancy Birt Barber   Back  Mary Webb - Rita Webb Carpenter -? - Debbie Nichols Kitts - Mike Dirks - Kim Mosier - Sherri Schrag Narron

We had a drive up window - Ruth Mezger Urban and Karolyn Stimaze Moore visited through an open window. 
There were lots of hugs - Fred Hermes and Renee Phillips Shofner reunite!  We even had our own case of Benjamin Button - Connie Earl Butcher has got to be about 15 - don't you think?  and her sister Debby looks like she is starting 1st grade - must be the water in Oklahoma - right Connie?