In Memory

Richard Johnson

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08/05/11 09:33 PM #1    

John Eads

Those of us who were on the football team as Juniors must each have our own Richard Johnson story.  Mine was a practice afternoon when the offense was scrimmaging against the defense. And when we got to run some plays against the defense, one of the hand-offs went to Richard. Seems like he was supposed to go right, but the next thing I knew, Richard was running left, then backward, then after a "large" loss, down he went under a mass of bodies.  As I recall, Coach McClain, in a voice that Steve Heiny could best describe, asked Richard just where he thought he was going.  In a very serious voice, Richard said that although he knew the play was supposed to go right, he thought it would be better to go left. Then he thought he might get away by going backward. Coach allowed as how he might "think" too much. 

I understand Richard was a teacher from the time he graduated from college until his death.  I'm sure he was always thinking about a better way. 

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