In Memory

Ronald Dean Woolridge

Ronald Dean Woolridge
10/31/1956 - 2/1/1981

Published: January 29, 2002
NORMAN - Norman Detectives Don Blake and Jim Parks are still looking for whoever shot and killed Ronald Dean Woolridge in 1981.

As in many murders, things weren't what they first seemed in this case.

At about 7:15 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 1, 1981, the Norman Fire Department responded to a house fire at 1518 E Boyd Street in east central Norman.

After the fire was put out, firefighters discovered the body of Woolridge inside the home.

An autopsy revealed that Woolridge died from a gunshot wound to the head. Blake said Woolridge had been shot execution style and then his house was set on fire so that it would burn down around him.

"We can safely say that this murder had to do with drugs," Blake said.

Parks said Woolridge had been a player in the drug world since the mid 1970s. He had connections across the country, including California, Colorado, Texas and Oklahoma.

Because Woolridge was involved in the drug world, his murder has been especially hard for detectives to solve.

"The problem is, it is hard to solve because those who might know or were involved in the homicide don't want to talk because they fear for their own safety," Blake said.

The case has been cold for more than 20 years now, so detectives are hopeful someone will now be willing to come forward.
