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Forum: 20th reunion


A message to the class, from Lisa

Created on: 08/23/09 07:34 PM Views: 2460 Replies: 5
A message to the class, from Lisa
Posted Sunday, August 23, 2009 02:34 PM


I wanted to say thank you to everyone who came to any part of the reunion this weekend!  I've got to say that it was very fulfilling for me to see the great turn-out we had, and what a good time everyone was having.  I'm sure that I can speak for the whole committee when I say that, while it was a lot of work, all the work was worth it based on how wonderfully the whole thing went!

I must admit that there have been many times over the last few months when I thought to myself... "What was I thinking?!?!"  However, now that it's over I can say that I am very grateful that I got involved in this... I've gained so much from the whole experience!  If I have one major regret from my high school years, it's the fact that I didn't get more involved.  I went to school, I went home, and I hung out with my small circle of close friends.  Beyond that, I didn't reach out to do anything extra.  I cheated myself.  I missed out on so much.  I could have been closer friends with more of you if I had put myself out there a bit more.

Helping with this reunion has made up for some of those missed opportunities.  20 years later, I've found a new way to connect with so many of you, and to realize that the saying is true:  "It's never too late!"  


Lisa Armstrong Mortensen

RE: A message to the class, from Lisa
Posted Sunday, August 23, 2009 08:43 PM

Thanks for all your hard work Lisa.

RE: A message to the class, from Lisa
Posted Sunday, August 23, 2009 09:58 PM

I also want to thank Lisa and the rest of the committee for all of their hard work!  I had a great time on Friday night, and am looking forward to future get-togethers!  Take care everyone!

Pam Evert Knerem

RE: A message to the class, from Lisa
Posted Sunday, August 23, 2009 11:10 PM


Yep, you're right Lisa, it's never too late. Well, it's probably too late for me to go to prom now, but for the other stuff, it's never too late.   Thanks for all your hard work and all the committee members, too. Great to see so many friends over the weekend. I'm up for us getting together more than once every 5-10 years.


Edited 08/23/09 11:13 PM
RE: A message to the class, from Lisa
Posted Monday, August 24, 2009 01:34 AM

i hear ya Lisa 

you did awesome!!!

i appreciate all the work you and the rest of the planners put into this weekend.  i wish i could have made it to all the events.

it's funny , 20 yrs sounds like a long time,  but it feels like it was a few weeks ago at times, other times it feels like forever.

this was a really special weekend though for sure, and all because of your hard work! 

thank you.

like mike said, more frequent get togethers are definitely a welcome options in my book.  It was great seeing everyone. 



RE: A message to the class, from Lisa
Posted Monday, August 24, 2009 12:29 PM

Many thanks Lisa and all of the committee members as well as others who helped or donated. You all made it happen in a big way. I mean, what a turn out! I was only there Friday night due to other commitments but Friday was a blast! Looks like word got around well and some who I did not expect to be there (because they left NR early in their high school years) were there. It was great to see everyone and re-connect.

Another event of the sort in a couple of years would be awesome!

